A persons right to make choices that only directly affect themselves is absolute, there could be many perfectly rational reasons why one would feel the need to kill someone for instance preventing someone from moving down a course of action that would directly and perhaps negatively affect you but there could never be any rational reason why one should be able to take away a persons right to choose, it is one could well imagine these right and these alone that separate civilisation from savagery.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Poetic justice: as placed in opposition to those that would destroy a persons right to make their own choices.
A persons right to make choices that only directly affect themselves is absolute, there could be many perfectly rational reasons why one would feel the need to kill someone for instance preventing someone from moving down a course of action that would directly and perhaps negatively affect you but there could never be any rational reason why one should be able to take away a persons right to choose, it is one could well imagine these right and these alone that separate civilisation from savagery.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Have you noticed...........
'The Simpsons' none of the steriotypically jewish characters are not jewish.
Places on the bus: The child
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Recipe number something something.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
War in Israel, [why is it that in this font atleast capital i's look just like normal l's, how the bright shmuck that came up with that idea]
ow my head, or as comic book guy from the simpsons would say 'worst, headache ever!'.
it hurts like I have a really tight,
and really heavy helmet on, I feel as though if I were to move my head to fast, the weight would break my neck.
I feel the hand of god on me and he's squeezing real hard.
No cookies
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Bush bashes gays, I bash Bush [no intended innuendo]
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Today in today.
However, whatever the numbers no ammount of superstition can prevent me from not seeing this film. The fact of the matter is that it did not need to be made, there is nothing wrong with the original movie, it can't be improved on, it as simple as that. The only reason why anyone in their right and good mind, would want to remake it is so they could then go on to remake the sequals to it, which first time round really weren't that good and certainly could be improved on. Therefore if they do go on to remake those as well then I will most deffinetly go to see them or atleast rent them on DVD later on.
New phrase. [what is this the 3rd i've put on here the 4th maybe? well whatever]
Essentially equal in meaning to the phrase beat the shit out of it.
Example of usage:
"I smashed the granny out of it" or "you got the granny smashed out of you".
Kindly provided without permission by Mark Andrew Jones.
He's not on blogger he's just some guy I know.
Bad habits.
Another thing,
why is it the lucinda grande and georgia font types are completely identical?
Also should blogger make more fonts available?
One thing i just can't stand, or, What i've got a bug up my arse about today.
Monday, June 05, 2006
People it seems have tendency towards a confusion by which they come to believe that the word synonymous means ‘the same as’ clearly that is not the case, synonymous means similar in meaning or something thereabouts it doesn’t mean ‘the same as’ or ‘alternative to’ the fact of the matter is that different words, no matter how similar to each other they may be have different meanings. The way by which this confusion arises is that it is very difficult to describe exactly how or in what manner one word has a different meaning to another without making recourse to that words synonyms. There is I believe a solution to this problem perhaps even a number of solutions.
For instance say, this word is like that word only it’s a bit colder in feel, or its more cerebrally based. For example ‘intelligent’ has a more cerebral base to it whereas ‘clever’ has a more practical base. Also one could think about the derivation of the word, think of what culture it comes from and of what concepts that culture had and which it didn’t have, say that this word comes from there and that it does not within its self have this or that concept, or one could simply say this has a more Greek feel to it whereas that is more french. This is of course something that one could not do with other languages such as french or Greek as they has very few if any words within them that come from other languages and cultures.
One other method by which this confusion arises is that people rarely learn words by having them explained to them, you learn mostly from hearing words and seeing what circumstances they are used in. Thus the final method by which this confusion could be averted is by reforming our various cultures in such a way as to make so that you would learn mainly by having words explained to you and only secondarily by hearing their usage in the outside world. The only problem with this is that it would slow down the learning process and thus slow down the rate of innovation within society, however it may also make it into a much more intelligent and thoughtful society more capable of solving its problems and those of the greater world, so perhaps the extra time and money spent on education would be worth it in the long term, which leaves only three questions.
How long will it hold up the education process?
How much more money would thus have to be spent on it?
Can such an amount be affordable to society?
Dick n Dom must die.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
just something i've noticed.
secrets of the da blogspot code?
Perhaps someone is trying to send us a message? if this is the case then they should know that there are eisier and more direct ways to send such messages, i mean havn't they ever heard of coding secret messages into religious paintings i mean come on.
and in other news
Why is it that any collection common symbols [such as !£$%^&*] allways seems to look like a trail of expletives, is this perhaps something that has been conditioned into us by comic books and the like or is it actually something implicit in the symbols themselves. On the other hand perhaps this perception is something particular to me as many things are and other people such as you're selves do not know what the hell i'm going on about.