Tuesday, August 29, 2006
the american media gluts itself on 'pedophile thriller porn'.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
war war the expanded edition.
Why will this be allowed to happen? Answer: The average American. The average American does not care, he does not think about politics be they global or local “that’s what the politicians are there for numb nuts”, the average American does not vote, in fact considering these other facts I would not trust the average American to vote. Bush was allowed to steal an election not through lack of information but because the average American could not be bothered to get of its humungas collective beeeehiiind and do something about it.
Why is this? [I now move from ranting into a more world-weary style feeling now to be completely destroyed] why this power? They are not politicians they are not intellectuals they are not moguls but they are the majority they have power in numbers and security and it is that security that it is the reason for their incredible apathy they feel I think collectively invincible whatever troubles they have in their everyday lives the greater world of politics never touches them so they don’t care about it they don’t care about anything that doesn’t touch them they won’t care all that much about a earthquake or civil war in some far off and unknown region until they feel it at the gas station you see it all the time on the news “how long before we feel it at the pumps”. The public gets the president it deserves, in the case of George W Bush and in the case of all those that will come after him, the president is manufactured. He is manufactured to be as close to the average American as is possible. He may be an ex-oil mogul but not a very good one and he certainly ain’t no intellectual and he’s a terrible politician, that’s what people like about him they expect nothing of him and that’s exactly what he gives them nothing and a whole load of crap, and with a president like that in charge one can’t help but wonder if the united states of America would be better of as the united corporate states of America but considering that Bush’s buddies in Halliburton are likely to be running much of the show I suspect that, that is not going to be the case.
Günter Grass
Monday, August 21, 2006
war war
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Go to
I found this while it was on 'blogs of note', now it isn't so i thought that i'd post it here, suffice it to say it kicks arse.
And so what is the international comunity going to do well......... probably nothing at least not for some time what they need to do is broaker a similar ceasefire in Gaza and then go onto more permanant stabalising action in Lebonon preventing any other war from breaking out, and then back to Israel where they need to enforce 'the road map' but this won't happen the fact of the matter is that conflict in this region seems so much to simply be the status quo that no one cares all that much about it except to the extent that they speak many token words to make themselves look good and the fact of the matter is that if there was no oil there then they probably wouldn't even do that.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Legislature freedom and protection.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
They confuse me.
I don't any more but............
I still get confused betwenn Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman.
Why do they have to have such similar names?
Actors change there names all the time why couldn't they?
It would certainly improve there carreers, not that they nessasarily need improving but its allways good in that game to have a name not easily confused with another actor's.
Help me.
How do you tell the apart?
Monday, August 07, 2006
A number of things i have recently said on the subject of danny wallace.
I have allready said these things in two e-mails and I am likely to be saying it in a much edited form on the forum of his website, one of the things that has often or indeed just now struck me about danny wallace is that it may well be dangerous to be a freind of his as he may try and rope you into one of his strange skeems and even if this doesn't happen you're likely to end up in one of his books of course that probably appeals to a lot of people which puts Mr wallace in a dillema whereby he is haunted night and day by sycophantic idiots wanting to get in one of his books and thus in there strange little brains become rich, famous, and celebrated and at the other end of the spectrum avoided like the plague by perfectly nice people who he might well love to be freinds with but who have an aversion to any sort of limelight and are put of by the fact that they may end up with an entry in one of his books of course they could refuse him permission to put them in but seeing as they are the nice sort of people that danny wallace would love to have as freinds they probably wouldn't have the heart to do so and thus will probably just avoid him.
such is life.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Evolution versus religion in the minds of the masses.
The way to counter this is to show exactly how little religion offers you by which i mean show the things that it doesn't offer you and show how you would be able to come at all of those things via science. You could write a whole book on it, the only problem being that most people won't have the time to read it.