I've noticed something recently, that people [on blogger] seem for the most part to be unable or unwilling to make any percific comment, when speaking about someone elses writing, they just make a joke or something else vague. I don't think that anyone could think this to be a possitive thing as it allmost completely stops disscussion and as such is worse than those who write long comments of criticism and then never come back to see my counter points [yes this is me centred]. The fact of the matter is that discusion is never a bad thing regardless of what you're saying atleast its out in the open and can be countered and perhaps even ripped apart [or of course agreed with] if need be. So what's the reason for this , is it motivated by simple fear, fear that they may be made a pariah [in this case it would also be paranoia] or is it more to do with not wishing to offend or perhaps just being too lazy to think about what has been said the internet does after all does breed a certain sort of entertainment comes first thinking second culture but in any case there is one major cause for all of these things and I'm afraid that that cause is liberal society. I know that liberalism is often seen getting completely unjust beatings from conservative idiots and I disagree with that, liberalism has given us many wonderful things and its legacy should not be poo pooed but the fact of the matter is that liberalism does not breed people to be brave and forthright, it doesn't empower them to do the unpopular no matter how necessary it is, it makes you bite you're lip when you want to scream all the while not criticizing others for not biting theirs, it breeds hypocrisy and when you're a bigot possessing nothing more than the worst quality's of a Neanderthal this is a good thing, but liberalism has bred [for the most part] those quality's out of society so I ask you what is the point of it? Break free of the spell of false tolerance and speak you're mind.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Persecuting the skinny
At Milan fasion week they have put a ban on models under a certain weight meaning for instance that 5 foot 9 inch tall model would have to weigh atleast 8 stone now thats perfectly reasonable but what i object to is the completely hypocritical affront to personal liberty that this ban is. Being over weight is as bad if not worse than being under weight as it is easier to gain weight than it is to lose it [ i should know as a child i was under weight by about a stone but i'm now over weight by the same ammount ] but imagine if such a ban was introduced against any over weight person. My second objection is a logistical one what for instance what would happen if some one weighed just a pound or less under imagine the scenes back stage everyone piling in the crispy creams making themselves sick just to make sure their allowed to do their job.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Dead dogs and idustrial tribunals.
Just heard the story about a postman who was fired after he took a week off work to grieve for his dead dog Brandy [don't know how he spelt it] who he had, had since he was 11 [16 years good age for a dog] he then took his former imployers to court and the case was thus found in his favour he got his job back and was paid damages [and hopefully expenses]. Alot of people have suggested that this was a silly case and no doubt further proof of societys desent into luvy dovy madness and perhaps you'd exxpect me to agree with them, i do after all often attack this idea of molly codeling as a weakening and therefore negative influence upon a person [allthough on second thoughts a may not have actually done that on this site but i assure you i do hold tha opinion] but i think that the fact of the matter is, is that if a person can prove that they were grieving no matter what they were grieving for the simple fact of the matter is that you can't force them back into work before they are ready as this wouls cause potentially massive emotional distress on there part and allso probably prevent them from continuing to do the job to anything approuching a high standard and thus it would be a bad idea.
The ironic thing about this case is that the steriotypical relationship between a dog and a postman is that of the dog chasing the postman out of someones fron garden and bitting them on the bum.
Chief Rabbi Major Idiot reporting for duty.
The chief Rabbi of Great Britain has recently suggested that England has the most anti-semetic society on the planet, and yet there is another country were you get Arabs and Palastinians of various different sorts killing Jews and you get Jews of various different sorts killing Arabs and Palistinians keeping in ming that these people are essentially all part of the same race [the semites] surely this society [Israel] is more anti-semetic than England.
Having said that clearly there has been a rise in anti-semetic related incedents and obviously this has something to do with the recent Israeli war in Lebenon. Thae fact of the matter is that there are certain ignorant barstards in this and every country in the world who cannot tell the differance between their local Jewish butcher and an Israeli soldier driving a tank through Lebenon in much the same way as the Israeli soldier is incapable of telling the differance between a terrorist and a small child.
Why the title?.......well its just fun.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Giving oxegen to insecurity or to mild comedy?
Do you ever phone someone up, to arrange a time to meet up, only to then get scared that if you don't stop talking to them now, you won't have any conversation left fo later. It seems to me that this is based on some sort of profound insecurity, based on some idea that you have not lived and ultimately there is no path of escape from this monster because nature abhors a vaccum so it allways fills it with something but at the same time this insecurity creates paranoia and thus if you were to start doing more things thus filling tha vaccum your self in a way you would only give the paranoia oxegen the ironic thing being that there is allways something to talk about, the best thing to do is to fill the vaccum with your self.
this week [by week i mean whats gone by of this week and last week also] i have been mostly
watching Clerks, like Richard Linklaters i don't know how to spell his last name] Slacker inspired Kevin Smith, Kevin Smith has inspired me to do what? i'm not sure make a movie i suppose but i think i'd have to do it on somewhat less than twenty eight thousand dollars[!!!??!!?!?!] i have some ideas, well alright i have one idea, bassically make a movie about making a movie where the story is told through a series of auditions seen through the eyes of the directer and through this you would see the plot of the movie developing and allso see who gets what parts and allthough there would be only one camera and you would only ever see the audition room you would allso see the story of the peoples personal lifes building up through little comments that the people make durring the auditions like say for instance explaining why they were late and you would also see the story of those making the movie unfolding in a similar manner so the film would in effect be telling four story lines at the same time. most of it would be unscripted only the major plot points and the a basic film script for them to read from would be written before hand.
all ideas
Copywrite Phillip R Goodman [sept 2006]
Curse all who attempt to steal [sept 2006]
all ideas
Copywrite Phillip R Goodman [sept 2006]
Curse all who attempt to steal [sept 2006]
OK thats my pitch [maybe that should have been the title, it certainly would have been shorter why do i have such long titles? whats the attraction?]
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