Lost souls lost
When we came out of the cube we decided that we would go to the park (lost souls that we are, we had trouble finding our way in) and have a drink, Agent mulder for her part was undecided as to weather this would be a coffee or a beer, for my part I choose and will always when offered something alcoholic and something non alcoholic, choose the alcoholic beverage, the beer in this case, or, if you will lager. So we went to a small nearby pub or perhaps it was a bar it certainly looked young and hip, at least vaguely so, so perhaps it was a bar not that it matters, as they told us that they didn’t have a license to sell drinks to be consumed of the premises so we went away empty handed, I said that we should maybe just get the drinks and sit on the benches outside the pub but I’m not sure Agent mulder heard me or maybe agent mulder miss understood me and in any case I didn’t really care that much, so we went and sat in the park for a while. We listened to some of my music that I had on my phone, Agent mulder said she liked it but then I don’t think she'd say that she didn’t, tellingly enough she said that it would send you insane if you listened to it for too long. Also before we were quite in the park we saw a police horse and I commented at how strange it was to see a live animal after just having seen five or so dead ones in formaldehyde, I don’t remember weather Agent mulder agreed or not.
When we came out of the cube we decided that we would go to the park (lost souls that we are, we had trouble finding our way in) and have a drink, Agent mulder for her part was undecided as to weather this would be a coffee or a beer, for my part I choose and will always when offered something alcoholic and something non alcoholic, choose the alcoholic beverage, the beer in this case, or, if you will lager. So we went to a small nearby pub or perhaps it was a bar it certainly looked young and hip, at least vaguely so, so perhaps it was a bar not that it matters, as they told us that they didn’t have a license to sell drinks to be consumed of the premises so we went away empty handed, I said that we should maybe just get the drinks and sit on the benches outside the pub but I’m not sure Agent mulder heard me or maybe agent mulder miss understood me and in any case I didn’t really care that much, so we went and sat in the park for a while. We listened to some of my music that I had on my phone, Agent mulder said she liked it but then I don’t think she'd say that she didn’t, tellingly enough she said that it would send you insane if you listened to it for too long. Also before we were quite in the park we saw a police horse and I commented at how strange it was to see a live animal after just having seen five or so dead ones in formaldehyde, I don’t remember weather Agent mulder agreed or not.