Thursday, December 28, 2006

Feminism through film.

Certain conventions of filmmaking state that men must fight men, and women must fight women, if a man has to fight a woman then he must either be soundly thrashed by her and if not then he must be a bastard to be hated. He can’t be a ‘good guy’ because no one, woman or man will see him as such.
When the ‘good guy’ beats the ‘bad guy’ its victor and vanquished but if the ‘good guy’ beats a girl even if she is the ‘bad girl’, then it will always be a case of victim and victimiser.
Women are seen as weak creatures to be protected both in movies and the real world. Feminism rather than destroying this perception has fostered it, creating a case of ‘double think’ whereby women are scene as both equal, and in needing of protection not afforded to men, in some cases this is extended to ‘triple think’ whereby women are seen as superior to men, equal to men, and in needing of protections not afforded to men.
A woman slapping a man that’s all par for the course, and we all know he deserved it, even if she kisses him afterwards, I mean that’s passion baby; but a man slapping a woman well that’s unusual, I mean it happens but its just brutal, even if he does kiss her afterwards, did she deserve that? Was that passion?
Picture Angela Lansbury in the original version of ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ I mean her character is just about scariest most evil character ever committed to celluloid but now imagine the character’s long suffering much put upon and manipulated son [Lawrence Harvey] beating her………..

Isn't it funny how......

saying someone's a lady's man means that they let us say greatly enjoy the company and suduction of the female gender, but saying that someones a mans man doesn't mean that they enjoy performing similar actions with members of the same gender.

Strikes me as a tad homophobic wouldn't you say.

The path from man to god.

A man is born; and he shows great bravery, tales are told of his bravery and, with the bounty of his deeds he buys the acceptance of followers and, with the bounty of his followers he becomes king.
As king he performs great deeds and, tales are told of his greatness and the previous tales are brought up to match the new ones and he becomes great and with the bounty of his greatness he becomes magnificent the tales are brought up to match his magnificence and with the glory of his magnificence he becomes glorious and the tales become glorious his deeds become legendary and he becomes a legend, he dies and tales are told of his death and life and they are made to match his legend and he passes into legend.
The tales are made to match his greatness and his becomes a great legend.
The tales are made to match his magnificence and his becomes a magnificent legend as he passes into myth.
The myth is told to match his glory and his becomes a glorious myth and with the bounty of the glory his followers buy him virtue and with the bounty of the virtue his myth becomes not the story of a great or even a man of glorious deed but the story of a god ascending to his heaven.
Story is the key; The first tale is of bravery the second is of great deeds the third is of death the forth of life the fifth and final tale is also the first tale, a tale of the birth of a god.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The UTO certified dictionary.

Some of the time
Pity = Sympathy + Hatred.
but more often than not,
Pity = Sympathy + Disgust.
And the disgust leads to hatred and the sympathy leads to self hatred.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

AVAST ME HEARTYS. This be no deviant furnace!

Upon receiving a E-mail marked "deviant furnace" I was devastated to note that this was not infact a ranty Christian evangalist trying to convince me that those who diviate from cultural and sexual norms end up in a furnace of somesort but just someone trying to sell me something. However I did learn that someone called "Carter prays with rabbis angered by book ." and that "Aruntx appreciates your patronage and look forward to serving you for many years to come." and that this Aruntx be he person or creature is ion the buisiness of "thanking your best customers for their loyalty." and that "Upon arrival there everybody gets a pair of great wings in exchange for pain and grief." we also learn that "One who drives an automobile too fast, especially as a habit." whatsmore "Warning: Heavenly New York is a Chick Christian mystery." and in further strangeness "The word of the day is leadfoot." and "Kitty Kelley to write Oprah biography ." apparantly.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Heed my word! And go hence were I tells thee!

And lo it was on that day that I having remembered a good episode of the Simpsons placed upon my url space the address hoping for further news of mayor quimby and yet i came instead to this a far more supiriour supiriour product and one that i fully recomend having fully understood all aplicaple laws of recomendation rule.

The war is over, who do we fight now.

Hazzah the war on Christmas is over, the evil Wallmart have finally caved in and are now no longer wishing their customers happy holidays [oyvai I can barely say those words] but [joy of joys] merry Christmas, won’t Wallmart’s Jewish customers be so pleased that wallmart no longer wishes them to have a happy holiday. This battle against the tyranny of political correctness [don’t they know we don’t want to be correct] has been won by the good guys, but just as it ends another one begins. Even as I speak homosexual spies are infiltrating our institution of marriage, and so begins the war on marriage.
This was brought to you straight from the pages of right conservative fantasy land, If you wish to subscribe simply begin watching Hanity and colmes and the other guy, for added benefits you may wish to join the republican party. Unfortunately this offer is only open to citizens on the United States of America, but frankly everyone else is just glad that these wars only exist in the minds of wing nuts like Sean Hanity, cos frankly enough bombs are falling as it is.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Land of six wars.

There’s a lot of talk going around at the moment about the war in Iraq being lost, ‘the war’ which war? What’s more out of all of the various armies in the country, which is losing it? After all there’s ‘the coalition of the willing’, but there’s also French and German troops and they certainly aren’t part of that, and what about the Iraqi army?
From what I can tell there are currently six wars going on at the moment, they are:

1: The war against Islamic terrorist ‘insurgents.’ [no matter what victories we {yes I’m using we I didn’t want to but I’ll think I’ll have to give in} have against them, they seem at liberty to attack any time they want, we are most definitely losing]

2: The war against terrorists insurgents loyal to Saddam, previously called The war against Saddam [ditto]

3: The war against ‘terrorist’ insurgents neither implicitly Islamic nor loyal to Saddam. [ditto]

4: ‘The war for hearts and minds’ yes this is a war, if ‘The war on terrorism’ can be a war then so can this, besides we talk about it enough it must be real. [seeing as we spend a great deal of our time blowing them up I don’t think we have any hope of possessing them, Losing with a capital L]

5: The war against the people of Iraq, we don’t like to talk about this one but we’ve killed enough of them that it becomes pointless to argue about intention, pointless to argue about what we did and did not plan. [we’re actually winning this one.]

6: The civil war [we were fighting to prevent this one, we didn’t, we lost]
[this is by the way a most interesting civil war in that it is a three way, a war fought between three parties all of whom are fighting each other.]

So there you have it, The coalition and all of its unwilling allies are fighting all of these wars, and losing all but one, the one that they……… we.. are fighting against non aggressors, civilians.

Chick flick??

Just watching ‘Jack and Sarah’ it’s billed as a ‘chick flick’ but it strikes me that it is more about men than women, a man learns to survive as a female role taker in a mans world, and a man in a woman’s world, it also teaches us that butlers don’t grow on trees they grow in skips.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Not long ago, on a TV screen.......

I sit here [at my computer] watching the extras on ‘Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith’ and it strikes me that it is the best in the entire series, possibly even the best that George Lucas has ever directed although having only seen five out of the seven movies he’s done I cannot say this with any great level of certainty. ‘Episode 4, A New Hope’ is a brilliant popcorn movie, a crowd pleasing masterwork, an action adventure flick with an incredible depth and soul….. but it’s not exactly challenging. Really and truly though it has the potential to do this it does not make you think, it is brilliant, and far more complex than it would at first seem but this complexity is lost in the near complete lack of subtlety and ambiguity. This lack of subtlety is corrected, and brilliantly so in ‘Episode 5, The Empire Strikes Back’ the depth and soul of the first movie is elevated as the story comes top greater complexity in this the undeniably darkest and best of the original trilogy. ‘Episode 6, Return of the Jedi’ is somewhat a return to the [even] greater lightness of the original but with a greater richness of story and action and for better or worse a nearly Spielbergian level of schmaltz on its own it would be a good movie it only becomes great when put together with the previous two. The less said about episodes 1 and 2 the better but ‘Revenge of the Sith’ is a truly brilliant, terrifying, heart wrenching, thought provoking, tragedy in the true Greek sense of the word, it has a terrible complexity and ambiguity to it, it will twist your head in a million different directions from sympathy to revulsion and back again you will shed real tears and feel real emotions, only true art can do that to you and ‘Episode 3’ is more real than any of the others, it is the one resounding, final clinching piece of proof of Lucas’s genius, and yet Lucas himself sees the series in the simplistic shades of black and white, good and evil, his view of it is bereft of the finer tastes of the deeper, more shocking and mocking ambiguitys of near paradox.

Delights of the Inferno.

Life’s little disappointments can, in your mind grow to monstrous proportions, if not offset by any sort of triumph, so it is with that in my mind that write this in an attempt to find something worthy of such an offset. I find nothing except……..

Interestingly the week began with a triumph, not such a monumental one but still…..

I was watching a movie; a movie called ‘Hellraiser’ subtitled ‘inferno’, the fifth in a horror series that began with ‘Hellraiser’ written and directed by the brilliant Clive Barker, the erstwhile ‘future of horror’ [a quote from Stephen King made a few years before Barker turned his pen to exclusively writing dark fantasy works such as Arabat] based on his own novel ‘the hell bound heart’. However, despite this pedigree [as well as the recommendations of friends] I held little hope for the movie reaching the lofty heights of the original, as Barker had, feeling that the series had run its course, not had any involvement with the movie.
To cut a long story short, I was wrong. ‘Inferno’ capitalises on many of the better aspects of the previous films as well as well as Clive Barkers more subtle and psychological film ‘lord of illusions’ [written and directed by Barker based, as all three of his movies are, on one of his own stories]. Where the original movie was perhaps the last true classic of ‘classic’ horror, ‘Inferno’ is a modern horror classic, a psychologically terrifying Lynchian, Cronenbergian, Barkerian masterpiece.
I implore you to watch this film.

P.S. The other film that Barker wrote and directed was the now seemingly out of print ‘Nightbreed’, based on his novel Cabal.

My week got better then it got worse then it got better.

After logging off on Thursday of last week, I went out to take back the mouse that did not work and get a new one. I was pleased to note that the new one stated on its packaging that it was compatible with Windows 95 [the week gets better]. However, upon getting it home I found that it provoked the exact same response from my computer, as had the previous one [the week gets worse]. Having said that my week was greatly improved when on Saturday after having sent them off five days ago my DVD’s finally arrived.

So to summarise and make the final tally
1 disappointing trip to the job centre [disappointment rating 1/5]
2 disappointing computer mice [rated 3/5 for the first one and 5/5 for the second]
3 disappointing days without DVD’s [1st day 4.5/5 2nd day 5/5 3rd day 1/5]
Weekly disappointment rating [19.5/30]

If there’s anything, I missed out then frankly good riddance to it. I’ve already written two pieces about my disappointing week, so I don’t want to dwell on it anymore than I already have.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Search and you will find.

These are anumber of the recent Google searches that have brought people to these hallowed grounds.
Check em out and see what company I'm keeping.
Ok most of these appear not to work but if you are interested then just click on my site meter and go to referrals and you should find some that do.
Today is turning out to be soooo pointless.

oooh I am sooo annoyed, and disappointed too

My movie stream has fallen from grace or perhaps the royal mail has not that they have ever been in grace atleast not during my life time or atleast not during the part of my life time so far in that I would have been using them, too reiterate............Well lets just start again.
I'm signed up to my movie stream [an online DVD rental service] .......... You no what this is just so pointless surfice it to say that I was meant to receive my rentals [king Kong and another inderterminate film] on Wednesday, I did not nor did I receive them today, I have just found out that they have only just today received my previous rentals which hopefully means that I will receive the new ones on Saturday however seeing as they two days longer than usual to get there this seems unlikely. What is more likely is that I will receive them on Monday meaning that I would have had no rentals this week whatsoever. The fact of the matter is that the royal mail is almost certainly to blame for this...... And what's the solution well I'm usually against privatization but in this case I don't think there's anything wrong with the idea of the royal mail having a little competition and thus giving the public some choice.
Other disappointments this week on Tuesday I got a new optical mouse for my computer and it didn't work, the last optical mouse I brought also did not work. Also on Tuesday I signed on at the job centre and that cannot ever fail to be disappointing, well that's pretty much been my week just one disappointment after the other, it only has two days to improve.
Roll up roll up, place you're bets.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Anybody else get this spam?

'Good afternoon many have machines which not insuranced,
you have a unique opportunity only today to receive insurance the machine free of charge'

God it sounds dumb.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Eliminating racism, or "'meddling scientists playing god' tabloid nightmares".

Considering how racially mixed the average white person is, it seems to me that the solution to racism, at the very least racism on the part of white people, is to have DNA tests. If for instance a young English skinhead were to find out that actually he’s…. say…… a quarter Asian then its likely that his sense of racial aggression will at the very least be diluted if not removed completely or more likely ‘almost’ completely. Of course there is quite a large chance that really hardened racists will simply refuse to believe the results of the tests, thinking them perhaps some part of some sort of global Jewish conspiracy. What’s more I suppose some people might suggest that saying to someone that they can’t possibly be a racist as they are themselves so racially mixed, brings about in that persons mind, and the mind of anyone who hears this argument, the idea that it would be perfectly reasonable, and acceptable to be a racist if one were less racially mixed. This would be disastrous. Ultimately I suppose that I am one of those ‘some people’. One should never put one’s faith in magic bullets nor should you keep all you’re eggs in one basket. Racism must be attacked on all fronts. Its logic must be attacked and minimised [for racism does have a sort of logic to it]. Its psychology must attacked and treated. And if there be a genetic component, then that to must be attacked though how I don’t know, I suppose eliminating a gene or two would be the way for that, but it is likely that there would be consequences to that. The other two points are in their way easy enough, but genetics……… genetics are….. murky…. unknown, one never knows quite what might happen if you were to eliminate one gene, another may go haywire, it may take its place, human life as we know it might change…….. and other such ‘meddling scientists playing god tabloid nightmares’.

Stupid, Pointless, Badly told joke. [S.P.B.J]

Those Pakistanis, I tell you they must be terrible Islamaphobes they actually have a place called ‘Islam a bad’ obviously they haven’t quite grasped the finer points of written English as they clearly meant “Islam is bad” but it is after all their second language so one shouldn’t hold it against them.
I suppose I should make a new blog for all of these stupid jokes, as to make them not clutter up the otherwise pristine walls of this here blog……..perhaps another time.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The TToP, The Two Types of Parents.

There are two types of parents, one who if failures they be will do anything they can to make you suceed were they have failed, they push as far as they can without any real consideration for you're feelings, then there are those who if failures they be will not be able to see any good reason why you should achieve anymore than them, it is just as bad to have either of these, and the same can be said of those who are in there own lifes great sucesses there will be those who will be those who will encopurage you in the same dirrection that they themselves went and allways hope and pray that you do just that little bit better than them cos they want to build a dynasty, then of course there are those who will be very much into the idea that you don't have follow them infact that you should not follow them with no consideration given to what you want.

My new addiction.

Some number of months, or was it weeks ago, i wrote something explaining how at one point i was obbsessed with [address provided for those who have not hear of it] the online encyclopedia, and that then my obssesion shifted to blogger, and then to yahoo answers.
I then proceaded to offer you the chance to direct the next movements of my obssesion, but you in you apathy choose not to and thus, my obsession was left to wander aimlessly flitting between yahoo answers, blogger, and wikipedia. Eventially cold, alone, and scared it no longer had the strength or fortitude to brave the uncontrolled savagery of wikipedia and thus left its self to wallow in the barren muck between the worlds, the internet and all it had to offer glittering away in the distance like a far off galaxy. But eventually after untold times of electronic pounding against, the frozen shell of fear encrusted around my obsession in its muck an e-mail got through, an e-mail that was to give new meaning and life to my [lets cut the crap and call a spade a spade] addiction a saviour an enslaver an open world my new addiction.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

the content of this [insert word here] does not seem to lend itself to any title.

Just received an e-mail suggesting that attendance of church prolongs life.........hmmmmmmmmm are you sure it doesn't just feel like longer [I thought to myself] and allso why is it that the inclusion of the word prolongs seems to put a negative slant on those words [ I think perhaps that its {the word 'prolongs'} use is usually acociated with the end of ones life {i.e. a terminal illness}]

Anyway what i was going to say was that i hate it when religionists refer to something involving scientific evidence, in this case that, ' scientists upon taking a survey have found what may be termed a casual relationship between the attendance of church and the living of a longer life for example one person who never attended church lived to 70 whereas a person who attended all their life lived to 80.' but you just know that if anyone tried to test this further to see, for a start exactly how far reaching these findings and secondly weather they can be replicated in labrotory conditions and thirdly weather there is a particular part of the church that affects people to the elongation of there lifes, you just know that if anyone tried to do that they just wouldn't allow it and they'd still be quoting that damn statistic!

Ahhh, scam e-mails, light of my life.




E-MAIL [address taken out to save room and protect the innocent]

[Address taken for the same comedic and practical reasons as before]
PHONE 00226-7037-7447.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mobility Scooter Menace!

I was just nearly run down by one of those old people on those mobility scooters, they seem to think that they have right of way over the entire pavement, if cyclists have to use the roads when cycle paths are not available then why shouldn't they, course you can't tell them that, the fact of the matter is, is that most of them would be too scared to go on the road and so would probably just stay home and stew in their own juices, this is no solution, really what we need is some laws as for how they should use these scooters while on the pedestrian area of the street, remember, they are not pedestrians, any breaking of these laws should be met with a temporary revocation of their scooter using rights. Of course they'll be a public outcry, and the human rights people will be up in arms but then they often are and this is a perfectly natural and indeed normal position for them to be in, whats more most old people are so angry and bitter that they'll refuse to conform to any such law and go around running young people down as an act of protest, so more old people on ASBO's then.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

5 things about “the Madonna adoption.”

1] She has almost certainly PUMPED money into that orphanage and will no doubt continue to do so. [Over two million so far.]

2] There are any number of reasons why she would not have been able to go to the airport and collect the boy herself, only one of these ‘in order to prevent a press frenzy’ has been explored at all and the real reason for her non attendance may well come out in the next few days, and may well cause her critics to eat there words. [Maybe i'm just grabbing at straws.]

3] The boy will almost certainly continue to have contact with his family in Malawi. [Hopfully.]

4] There are more important things to talk about. [But there's no accounting for the press, is there?]

5] The whole point behind celebrity adoptions is that they can be used to draw attention to the plight of children in certain countries and encourage others to adopt in likewise. [That and it gets you lots of sweet publicity.]

Funny news.

Two teenage girls were on a railway platform beating up a third while telling her that she can’t hit them back as they are pregnant. Kinda sums up our society, doesn’t it?


The first time I took a sabbatical from blogging it was essentially because I was busy and didn’t have the energy to do it the second time I wasn’t busy at all and I had plenty of ideas but I simply couldn’t muster up the will power to place them down on paper as it were on this occasion however the problem is much deeper I feel very strongly that I have simply lost the knack for structure this was I think caused by an increasing feeling that there was no importance in what I was writing probably caused by the fact that there seemed to be an increasing lack of interest in the blog and perhaps worse than that the fact that the people who were regularly coming on to the blog were rarely making comments and when they were they didn’t seem to say anything that added anything to the blog [see my previous post] this I suppose proves that I am not quite as secure within myself as I have previously thought, increasingly however the knack for structure has returned and yet I still feel like I don’t have enough energy or time to do it [despite the fact that I am getting up earlier than I have done for years] and so I feel as though I have come full circle and well here I am to prove it, back for good I hope.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Negative discussion killing liberalism running rife through blogger.

I've noticed something recently, that people [on blogger] seem for the most part to be unable or unwilling to make any percific comment, when speaking about someone elses writing, they just make a joke or something else vague. I don't think that anyone could think this to be a possitive thing as it allmost completely stops disscussion and as such is worse than those who write long comments of criticism and then never come back to see my counter points [yes this is me centred]. The fact of the matter is that discusion is never a bad thing regardless of what you're saying atleast its out in the open and can be countered and perhaps even ripped apart [or of course agreed with] if need be. So what's the reason for this , is it motivated by simple fear, fear that they may be made a pariah [in this case it would also be paranoia] or is it more to do with not wishing to offend or perhaps just being too lazy to think about what has been said the internet does after all does breed a certain sort of entertainment comes first thinking second culture but in any case there is one major cause for all of these things and I'm afraid that that cause is liberal society. I know that liberalism is often seen getting completely unjust beatings from conservative idiots and I disagree with that, liberalism has given us many wonderful things and its legacy should not be poo pooed but the fact of the matter is that liberalism does not breed people to be brave and forthright, it doesn't empower them to do the unpopular no matter how necessary it is, it makes you bite you're lip when you want to scream all the while not criticizing others for not biting theirs, it breeds hypocrisy and when you're a bigot possessing nothing more than the worst quality's of a Neanderthal this is a good thing, but liberalism has bred [for the most part] those quality's out of society so I ask you what is the point of it? Break free of the spell of false tolerance and speak you're mind.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Persecuting the skinny

At Milan fasion week they have put a ban on models under a certain weight meaning for instance that 5 foot 9 inch tall model would have to weigh atleast 8 stone now thats perfectly reasonable but what i object to is the completely hypocritical affront to personal liberty that this ban is. Being over weight is as bad if not worse than being under weight as it is easier to gain weight than it is to lose it [ i should know as a child i was under weight by about a stone but i'm now over weight by the same ammount ] but imagine if such a ban was introduced against any over weight person. My second objection is a logistical one what for instance what would happen if some one weighed just a pound or less under imagine the scenes back stage everyone piling in the crispy creams making themselves sick just to make sure their allowed to do their job.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dead dogs and idustrial tribunals.

Just heard the story about a postman who was fired after he took a week off work to grieve for his dead dog Brandy [don't know how he spelt it] who he had, had since he was 11 [16 years good age for a dog] he then took his former imployers to court and the case was thus found in his favour he got his job back and was paid damages [and hopefully expenses]. Alot of people have suggested that this was a silly case and no doubt further proof of societys desent into luvy dovy madness and perhaps you'd exxpect me to agree with them, i do after all often attack this idea of molly codeling as a weakening and therefore negative influence upon a person [allthough on second thoughts a may not have actually done that on this site but i assure you i do hold tha opinion] but i think that the fact of the matter is, is that if a person can prove that they were grieving no matter what they were grieving for the simple fact of the matter is that you can't force them back into work before they are ready as this wouls cause potentially massive emotional distress on there part and allso probably prevent them from continuing to do the job to anything approuching a high standard and thus it would be a bad idea.
The ironic thing about this case is that the steriotypical relationship between a dog and a postman is that of the dog chasing the postman out of someones fron garden and bitting them on the bum.

Chief Rabbi Major Idiot reporting for duty.

The chief Rabbi of Great Britain has recently suggested that England has the most anti-semetic society on the planet, and yet there is another country were you get Arabs and Palastinians of various different sorts killing Jews and you get Jews of various different sorts killing Arabs and Palistinians keeping in ming that these people are essentially all part of the same race [the semites] surely this society [Israel] is more anti-semetic than England.
Having said that clearly there has been a rise in anti-semetic related incedents and obviously this has something to do with the recent Israeli war in Lebenon. Thae fact of the matter is that there are certain ignorant barstards in this and every country in the world who cannot tell the differance between their local Jewish butcher and an Israeli soldier driving a tank through Lebenon in much the same way as the Israeli soldier is incapable of telling the differance between a terrorist and a small child.
Why the title?.......well its just fun.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Giving oxegen to insecurity or to mild comedy?

Do you ever phone someone up, to arrange a time to meet up, only to then get scared that if you don't stop talking to them now, you won't have any conversation left fo later. It seems to me that this is based on some sort of profound insecurity, based on some idea that you have not lived and ultimately there is no path of escape from this monster because nature abhors a vaccum so it allways fills it with something but at the same time this insecurity creates paranoia and thus if you were to start doing more things thus filling tha vaccum your self in a way you would only give the paranoia oxegen the ironic thing being that there is allways something to talk about, the best thing to do is to fill the vaccum with your self.

this week [by week i mean whats gone by of this week and last week also] i have been mostly

watching Clerks, like Richard Linklaters i don't know how to spell his last name] Slacker inspired Kevin Smith, Kevin Smith has inspired me to do what? i'm not sure make a movie i suppose but i think i'd have to do it on somewhat less than twenty eight thousand dollars[!!!??!!?!?!] i have some ideas, well alright i have one idea, bassically make a movie about making a movie where the story is told through a series of auditions seen through the eyes of the directer and through this you would see the plot of the movie developing and allso see who gets what parts and allthough there would be only one camera and you would only ever see the audition room you would allso see the story of the peoples personal lifes building up through little comments that the people make durring the auditions like say for instance explaining why they were late and you would also see the story of those making the movie unfolding in a similar manner so the film would in effect be telling four story lines at the same time. most of it would be unscripted only the major plot points and the a basic film script for them to read from would be written before hand.
all ideas
Copywrite Phillip R Goodman [sept 2006]
Curse all who attempt to steal [sept 2006]

OK thats my pitch [maybe that should have been the title, it certainly would have been shorter why do i have such long titles? whats the attraction?]

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

the american media gluts itself on 'pedophile thriller porn'.

The coverage of the ramsey case kinda ammounts to 'pedophile thriller porn' and the american media clearly loves where as in britain i haven't heard anything about it seamingly for weeks, is this just because the american media were complicit in the hounding of the ramsey family or is it the nature of the american media and indeed america its self that has caused them to latch on to this story and equally is it the nature of the british media and of britain itself that causes them to treat it as a small story or is it something implicit in the case itself the makes it unimportant?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

war war the expanded edition.

The war on terrorism, the complete inefficiency in government, all the bumbling of everything from enquirerys to the hurricane katrina relief effort, everything, and I mean everything, that bush does is done in order to bankrupt the government, to drain the beast of its life blood, and when this process is complete, when there is no blood left to drain, when the government has no money left with which to run anything, then shall the vultures sweep in, the corporations from oil moguls to arms dealers. The government will slowly but surely be auctioned off. It will start out with the public amenities, then the army, and finally the white house itself and all who remain within it including the presidency. Yes in the end the president and indeed the few people who still vote, will be nothing more than fronts, patsies, and token gestures the only people who will actually have any real voting power will be the stock holders and the more stock you have the more votes you get.
Why will this be allowed to happen? Answer: The average American. The average American does not care, he does not think about politics be they global or local “that’s what the politicians are there for numb nuts”, the average American does not vote, in fact considering these other facts I would not trust the average American to vote. Bush was allowed to steal an election not through lack of information but because the average American could not be bothered to get of its humungas collective beeeehiiind and do something about it.
Why is this? [I now move from ranting into a more world-weary style feeling now to be completely destroyed] why this power? They are not politicians they are not intellectuals they are not moguls but they are the majority they have power in numbers and security and it is that security that it is the reason for their incredible apathy they feel I think collectively invincible whatever troubles they have in their everyday lives the greater world of politics never touches them so they don’t care about it they don’t care about anything that doesn’t touch them they won’t care all that much about a earthquake or civil war in some far off and unknown region until they feel it at the gas station you see it all the time on the news “how long before we feel it at the pumps”. The public gets the president it deserves, in the case of George W Bush and in the case of all those that will come after him, the president is manufactured. He is manufactured to be as close to the average American as is possible. He may be an ex-oil mogul but not a very good one and he certainly ain’t no intellectual and he’s a terrible politician, that’s what people like about him they expect nothing of him and that’s exactly what he gives them nothing and a whole load of crap, and with a president like that in charge one can’t help but wonder if the united states of America would be better of as the united corporate states of America but considering that Bush’s buddies in Halliburton are likely to be running much of the show I suspect that, that is not going to be the case.

Günter Grass

perhaps one of Germanys greatest living authors, has recently admitted that in the closing stages of the second world war [at the age of seventeen] he had been recruited into the Waffen SS. One would imagine that in a country so traumatised by its recent history such an admission, especially coming from such a high profile figure and one who is so vehemently anti nazi, would be seen as an act of bravery but no, he has been roundly and venomously attacked by politicians, by his contemporaries, by just about everyone. I find it to be further more disgusting proof of Germanys [almost] complete inability to move on from the past, a past they cling to in such a manner that it causes them to persecute anyone who questions them in this regard and to villainies individuals such as Günter Grass who like most of the country of the time were caught up in it. The fact of the matter is that the man cannot change his past only his future and his present, should he have previously been so reticent about his war time activities, no of course not but had he come out earlier he would simply have been crucified earlier.

Monday, August 21, 2006

war war

this [the war in Iraq and just about everything else he does] is all part of bush's grand plan to bankrupt the goverment so that it won't have any money to run anything and will thus have to farm things out to the private sector eventially a consortium of bankers, arms dealers and oil moguls will be running the show and when that happens the president and indeed the few people who still vote will be mere patsys, fronts, puppets and tokens only the shareholders will get to really vote. Not that that will bother the average american as the average american doesn't vote in fact i wouldn't trust the average american to vote, W is in power because the average american doesn't care enough to get off their great collective beeehiiinds, so maybe americas new corporate overlords will acttually run the country better, but then seeing as its likely to be haliburton running the things, probably theres no hope of that.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Go to
I found this while it was on 'blogs of note', now it isn't so i thought that i'd post it here, suffice it to say it kicks arse.


Israel has once again wrong footed itself as it has been doing since the very begining of this war, the ceasefire may not be over, after all Hizbolah hasn't completely restocked its arms yet, but Israel has certainly broken it. When the ceasefire began Hizbolah said that it would be made invalid if Israeli troops were to remain in the country and thus they would be fired on, Israeli troops have indeed remained in the country and yet Hizbolah has failed to make good on its promise and as it turns israel has been the first to brake the ceasefire by attacking Hizbolah killing three Hizbolah fighters and losing one of its own, they claimed that they were dissrupting arms coming in from Syria and Iran noble aims perhaps but this entire opperation makes Hizbolah look like the 'big man' and Israel........... well it doesn't make them look very good atall. They have as i said once again completely wrong footed themselves this entire war which Israel launched not simply against Hizbolah but against the entire Lebonease nation has made Hizbolah who were previously dispised by much of the Lebonease people and there goverment look like heroes.
And so what is the international comunity going to do well......... probably nothing at least not for some time what they need to do is broaker a similar ceasefire in Gaza and then go onto more permanant stabalising action in Lebonon preventing any other war from breaking out, and then back to Israel where they need to enforce 'the road map' but this won't happen the fact of the matter is that conflict in this region seems so much to simply be the status quo that no one cares all that much about it except to the extent that they speak many token words to make themselves look good and the fact of the matter is that if there was no oil there then they probably wouldn't even do that.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Legislature freedom and protection.

I find this American aversion to anything even slightly socialist/communist interesting I understand that it is because of the cold war but still it is very stupid especially considering that most western governments have some sort socialist value in their current systems of government.
I see it like this communism means freedom for the government capitalism means freedom for the corporation but democracy means freedom for neither but freedom for everyone and this in a way is the problem as it means that large organizations such as drug companys get more power than they should have as there is a feeling that one cannot bring forth any legislation that would impinge on the freedom of those corporations completely disregarding our freedom [this has been tested in the courts] which ends up with situation like the one we are in now whereby we can't get proper drug legislation to protect the people and anyone who tries to do so is practically decried as a communist in much the same way as someone in a communist country suggesting that the solution to their economic problems might be to have some private enterprise might well be decried as a capitalist.
Just as china has proved that some private enterprise can help to solve the economic problems caused by communism so too must we swallow our pride and use a bit of communism to solve the legislative problems caused by having a capitalist based democracy, ultimately perhaps democracy should be neither capitalist nor communist but a bit of both.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

They confuse me.

I used to get confused between Christopher Lee, Christopher Walken and Christopher Loyd.
I don't any more but............
I still get confused betwenn Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman.
Why do they have to have such similar names?
Actors change there names all the time why couldn't they?
It would certainly improve there carreers, not that they nessasarily need improving but its allways good in that game to have a name not easily confused with another actor's.
Help me.
How do you tell the apart?

Monday, August 07, 2006

A number of things i have recently said on the subject of danny wallace.

I've not been up to much recently I have however started reading danny wallace's book 'join me' I'm becoming rather obssesed with him, funny thing happened to me recently I wanted to get that book from the library but it wasn't there so I ordered it, about a week later I received a phone call saying that they had my book in so the next day I went to collect it only to find that they did indeed have the book but it was reserved for someone else so they re-ordered it for me, a week later at exactly the same time recieved the same phone call telling me that my book was in and so the next day I went to collect it only to have the same thing happen, obviously I complained saying that this is the second time this has happened, and just by chance they happened to open the book and have a look at the rest of the reservation slip, it did indeed have someoneelses name on it however it allso had someone elses book on it the slip had some how managed to slip into the wrong book once lifted up it revealed another slip of paper wih my name on it and indeed my book on it, the other slip of paper was for a reservation of 'my first potty'.

I have allready said these things in two e-mails and I am likely to be saying it in a much edited form on the forum of his website, one of the things that has often or indeed just now struck me about danny wallace is that it may well be dangerous to be a freind of his as he may try and rope you into one of his strange skeems and even if this doesn't happen you're likely to end up in one of his books of course that probably appeals to a lot of people which puts Mr wallace in a dillema whereby he is haunted night and day by sycophantic idiots wanting to get in one of his books and thus in there strange little brains become rich, famous, and celebrated and at the other end of the spectrum avoided like the plague by perfectly nice people who he might well love to be freinds with but who have an aversion to any sort of limelight and are put of by the fact that they may end up with an entry in one of his books of course they could refuse him permission to put them in but seeing as they are the nice sort of people that danny wallace would love to have as freinds they probably wouldn't have the heart to do so and thus will probably just avoid him.

such is life.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Evolution versus religion in the minds of the masses.

The problem with evolutionary theory versus religion is that most people don't have the time to read up on this stuff it is after all bloody complex stuff, so because of this they just go with what their leaders are saying on the subject, the problem is, is that they have two sets of leaders scientific and religious, with religion you get an easy to understand explenation for everything, you get morality and you get an afterlife as well wheras with science you get a great if at time harder to understand explenation of everything or allmost everything around you and you get the tools with which you can dicuss this and explore it further but you don't get all the stuff the religion can give you. the fact of the matter is that most people know that the scientific answers are the correct ones but its just that with religion you get more bang for you're buck as people say so most people go with the religious answers if religion offered less than science then people would go with science.
The way to counter this is to show exactly how little religion offers you by which i mean show the things that it doesn't offer you and show how you would be able to come at all of those things via science. You could write a whole book on it, the only problem being that most people won't have the time to read it.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Shoulder to shoulder.

What I don't understand is this, why is it that people keep on insisting that the UK is subordinate to America? Why is it that people have a problem grasping the idea that things in the world that our two countrys are involved in are going according to Tony Blair's plans every bit as much as they are going according to Bush's? It reminds me some what [in a roundabout sort of way] of the argument that there is no god because if there was then he wouldn't allow all of these bad things to happen and no one ever thinks that maybe there is a god and he's just an arsehole, the other argument is that god allows them to happen because of free will but that makes absolutely no sense when applyed to things such as earthquakes, and so the leaves my 'god is an arsehole argument' as being the only one that covers all situations while still allowing god to exist, interestingly the 'gods an arsehole' argument seems to offend religious folk considerably more than the 'god doesn't exist' one, but i've got rather of the beaten track here so alow me to position myself back on it.........yep there it is .... and now i'll continue. Every available peice of evidence seems to point towards Blair agreeing almost totaly with Bush and vise versa, for instance if one looks back to before the Iraq war to before I think even 9/11 one sees that Blair was actually talking to Bush about the nessesity of a second war against Iraq and the need to unseat Sadam it is entirely possible that Blair was infact one of the first to plant this idea in Bush's empty warhead of a skull. Bush if you recal back to when he was running for president ran on a platform of America looking after its own and not interfering in the world i beleive he even said 'if we leave them alone then they'll leave us alone'. Now considering that Blair was the one who talked Clinton into military intervention in Kosovo and considering that Bush's way of thinking seems to have [post 9/11] come around to Blair's perhaps it would be advisable to think of them at very least as equal allies and quite possibly as unequal allies with Blair on top. The fact that the UK as a whole has not seen the benifits of this relationship is irelevent, might it not be possible that Tony Blair is just a big arsehole who doesn't care about the people of this country only about his own agenda for the world.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Racist State?

There is no Black homeland, there is no Arab homeland, there is no White homeland, why then must there be a Jewish homeland?
France is the homeland of the French but being French is being part of a nationality, not a race why then do the Israelis insist on basing their nationality on there race?
The Jews say Israel is there homeland because of biblical history but biblical history is unproven where as we know that the Palistinians have lived there for two hundred years and we know that Arabs have lived there in large groups for something around a thousand years why can not Israel be their homeland as well.
Why does anyone need a homeland?
If the Jews originally came from the land now called Iraq why is that not their homeland?
If Israel isn't a racist state then why does it insist on above all else protecting the rights of one and only group of its citizens, this is what the BNP preach and National Front allso [keep Britain White] , if they are racists why is not Israel?
If you're family has lived somewhere for two hundred years straight surely they are more diserving of the land than someone who lived there some thousands of years ago?
Does recent history trump ancient history?
Why do only the Jews have a Law of Return?
Should the palistinians allso have a Law of Return?
Should there even be a Law of Return?
If giving certain protections to one groups and refusing them to all others is discrimination, and if the people you give it to are of one race and the people you refuse to give it to are of other races and if the discrimination is based on that racial difference then why isn't it racial discrimination?
and if this is a key law of a country then why is this country not to be seen as a racist state?
My family once lived in Germany should we have a Law of Return?
Should we be given the right to go back there and once more become citizens without any sort of immigration process?
Why should we be treated as if we had never left?
Why should any group of people be treated as if they have never left a country when they have in fact not been in that country for generations, for generations, upon generations in fact?
Would israel support the idea of giving all of America back to the Native Americans?
If that were to happen, and considering that the Jews originally came from Iraq, would the Native Americans support Israel in kind?
Would they give them the same level of support, and sell them the same number of arms, or would they support Israels other native population and do the same for them?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

yahoo answers.

through my use of yahoo answers i have been able to work out that faith is a combination of trust and the fear of retribution for not trusting enough and that religion is passed down from generation to generation through a combination of ignorance, lazziness, and brainwashing.
I have allso learnt that there are three different sorts of people on the internet and in particulalar on yahoo answers
1: the supposed liberal, often takes an anti-american stance.
2: the anti-liberal, often is shown to think that anything he or she dissagrees with is being said by a liberal and is nothing but liberal propaganda
3: the joker, doesn't take anything seriously, if anyone takes anything seriously or shows any real passion on a subject he or she will tell them to lighten up and then make the false statement of saying that this is meant to just be fun.
I have allso found out that I am not a combination of all or any of those.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Had it not have been for the fact that the next door naibours were having a large tree cut down i would have i susspect have gotten a good nights sleep which would have been my first in many nights unfortunately the next door naibours were having a tree cut down and ground up in a big machine and it made an awfull lot of noise and i couldn't sleep so i didn't i'm very tired

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

mailing list

To join my new mailing list simply open up the comment window and put in you're name and e-mail address, for this small ammount of trouble you will receive regular updates on this and other blogs updates about new services and about when the blog has been updated and so on and so forth also you will receive an exclucive peice of writing not published anywhere else with every update.
I hope you see fit to join the mailing list. If you have anything else to say about it or any suggestions then simply leave a comment or contact me at my e-mail address If you choose to e-mail me then this will be taken as an sign up to the mailing list, if you wish to unsubscribe simply e-mail me the word unsub and you will not receive any more information about this or any other blog, atleast not from me.
I can not be held responsible for anything sent to you by the owners and or administrators of any other blog and or website.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


If you place you're curser over onto my blog roll you may notice that nouveau post ma blog has been updated on the 3rd of july, this however is incorrect it has infact been updated on todays date of the 6th of that same mounth of july i hope this hasn't caused to much confusion and i hope that you have seen fit to take a look at the small number of new posts on that here blog that is as i see it updated on average about once every mounth.

fun for all the family

another game that i made up.

get one of those extreme sports games like tony hawks pro skater or something like that and go onto the free ride section make sure it doesn't display the time and shows the points for each trick but doesn't allow them to acumalate then make sure you have atleast one other person other than you're self at hand to play with you.


you have two minutes.
you are not allowed to ask for reminders of how much time you have left.
you must peform atleast 3 tricks.
you get one thousand points for each trick peformed
plus the points for you're final trick.
the final trick peformed is either just before the time runs out or just before you bail.
if you bail before peforming 3 tricks then any points that you would have recieved are added on to you're score as minus points.
if you are peforming a trick and you go over the two minutes then the same thing happens.
the winner is the one with the most points.

play example

you perform 3 tricks after the third you bail, the third trick earns you 5000 points plus 3000 for performing three trick giving you 8000 points in total, then the next player performs twenty tricks gets very close to the two minute mark but stops just before the time runs out, they have run very close to the risk of going over two minutes and incurring a large ammount of minus points but because the pushed it to the edge they were able to get 23000 points and thus beat the first player who loses basically because they played it safe.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Places on the bus

The child:
When you are a child you instantly gravitate toward a position knowledge and power or at the very least a mimicking of power and thus you gravitate towards the the front of the bus on the top deck.

The teenager:
One would imagine that the teenager would be just as interested in these thing, however they seek a place as far away from any authority as they can get in short they seek freedom, and in so doing they gravitate to the back of the bus on the top deck, this being the point of furthest distance from the bus driver seen in this case as the major point of local authority, this can
[I would imagine] be carried over into just about any other place, particularly the classroom.

The adult:
When you are older [late teens early twenties onwards] I observe that you go more for the middle ground and more often that not sit on the bottom deck of the bus. The only reason for this that I have been able to fathom is that as you become older, for the most part atleast you become less tribal [the exception to this being sporting events and the like] either by way of being more individualistic and less insecure therefore being less subceptable to the mob mentality of self labeling, or you become more homogenised more conforming to the mob mentality of the larger group/society and therefore less subceptable to the mob mentality of smaller more insecure groups/societys.

Where I fit in:
Interestingly I'm twentytwo and yet I only fit into the adult group when I'm on journeys that I know will be no more than fifteen or twenty minutes, on longer journeys however I fit into the first group, the child, in that I always try to sit on the top deck of the bus and right at the front, whatsmore I do it for exactly the same reasons that of having a feeling of power and a greater ability to aquire knowledge of the world around you i.e. liking the view. However I have one other reason, if I were to sit at the back of the bus I would have to not only hear everyone else but allso see them and I prefer to just hear them and combat that by wearing earphones and playing loud music.
first you seek power and knowledge then independence a sense of freedom and finally conformity and convenience, however all of these can be seen as a greater search for safety and security, firstly the safety of self power, secondly the security of the group and of keeping a distance from other groups, and finally the safety of blending in and not sticking out, and for myself I suppose it is the security similar the teenager of distancing myself, from everything, the safety of not knowing and not dealing.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Giving better than you get.

You allways have to give as good as get otherwise you're just lying there and taking it but really you should allways give better, and this works both ways:
If someone does something nice for you you should return it three fold, ten fold even because friendship should allways be rewarded,
and likewise emnity:
If some one hits you then you have to hit back even harder or else it'll just be an 'eye for an eye' sort or thing, and soon you'll both be blind, but if you hit back really hard early on then you may be able to prevent the fight from continuing and simply escalating further and further.
I suppose what i'm talking about here is 'stopping power' for instance if you use the stopping power of a knife then you'll have to stab the person alot or stab them in the heart or the neck to prevent them from coming back at you, and the chances are that person will end dead from loss of blood. It strikes me that it would be much better to use the stopping power of a gun then all you'd have to do is shoot them in the arm and then keep the gun pointed at them until some sort of help arrives, the point being to straight away escalate the fight right to its end point that way you don't get as badly harmed and and you can keep the harm to you're opponent down to a minimun.


It seems to me that every possible answer is put forward for the problem of bullying but the most obvious and most amidiatly affective answer that of empowering the bullied to fight back. It seems to me that we do everything possible to not empower the bullied we tell them that violence is never the answer, we tell them that if they were to fight back then they would just be bringing themselves down to their level, we even try and teach them to feel sorry for the bully because they are probably emotionaly damaged and anable to express their pain in any other way, and do you know what? their probably right bullys probably are for the most part emotionaly damaged and certainly do need counciling but being morally superior to them isn't going to help you much if you're getting you're arse kicked.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Poetic justice: as placed in opposition to those that would destroy a persons right to make their own choices.

Those who wish to stop other people from having sex and make moves towards that objective, be it through legislature or simple physical force are in my eyes every bit as bad as those who force others to have sex i.e. rapists. As far as I am concerned these to actions are essentially the same thing, it is the blatant and brutal removal of a persons freedom to choose [a thread] that runs through both actions and by that argument through any other action that seeks to takes away a persons choice on any matter relating to their body and affecting no one else’s. For instance forcing someone to continue with a pregnancy that they would wish to abort and I suppose although it is a less likely course of action forcing someone to terminate a pregnancy that they would have otherwise have kept. For rapists, be they the type that prevents or the type that forces, the crime is the same the punishment also. For a start, they should be prevented from ever having sex themselves and secondly sex should be forced on them in the same way that they would force it on others or forcibly [or otherwise] take it away from others. For those that would prevent someone’s desired course of action with relation to their pregnancy then the punishment would be on one hand to prevent the person from ever having a child of their own and at the same time through the use perhaps of electrical stimulation and mechanical apparatus the person should be forced through the pain both of pregnancy and child birth the exact number of times that there are people that they would have forced to continue with their pregnancy. For those who would force the use of a drug on someone or prevent someone from using their drug of choice, choice being an important word here, they should for a start have the drugs forced on them and secondly have any drug that they might use, be it alcohol or pain killers taken away from them. The point of al of this being to take away their choice in exactly the same way they have taken away others, the only way such justice could be circumvented is for the criminal to prove that his or her crime was the result of a chemical, societal, neurological or cultural imbalance that can be done away with by the use of therapy and/or some other course of treatment, my punishments may be harsh but I do after all believe in the idea of rehabilitation.
A persons right to make choices that only directly affect themselves is absolute, there could be many perfectly rational reasons why one would feel the need to kill someone for instance preventing someone from moving down a course of action that would directly and perhaps negatively affect you but there could never be any rational reason why one should be able to take away a persons right to choose, it is one could well imagine these right and these alone that separate civilisation from savagery.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Have you noticed...........

that in 'Futurama' none of the stereotypically jewish characters are actually jewish [Zoidberg, Leela's parents] where as in Matt Groening other more popular series,
'The Simpsons' none of the steriotypically jewish characters are not jewish.

Places on the bus: The child

When you are a child, say from 1 or 2 to 11 or 12 years of age, you instinctively wish to go up stairs and sit at the very front of the bus, this is for 2 reasons firstly you have an instictive interest in the outside world as you know so little about it and this gives you the best view in the bus, and secondly it gives you a feeling of power as this is the same position that the driver sits in and with you're childish imagination you imagine perhaps that it is you driving the bus.
next: the teenager.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Recipe number something something.

Last night I had a cheese omelet with lettuce and Pringles sprinkled inside [Pringles are a type of crisp, the ones I used were sour cream and onion flavored]. What I did was this I fried the egg until the base of it was quite brown then I put in the cheese [it was Red licester] then I sprinkled some crunched up Pringles into it and then I put a bit of chopped up lettuce into it. By this time the cheese was quite melted so I folded it and left it frying on a low light for a while [about ten seconds] and then dished it up onto the plate. Unfortunately I forgot to dry the greece of so it was to greasy and I also put to much cheese in and the pan I used was a bit small so the egg ended up being to thick and I ended up not being quite able to finish it. As it turned out this wasn't so much an experimental recipe as a learning experience. I learned that lettuce tastes really nice when its fried and thus my next omelet will just have lettuce in it and I learned that sprinkling pringles into an egg will make it taste to salty and thus next tim Id o such a thing I'll make a cheese omelet with un-salted crisps sprinkled into it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

War in Israel, [why is it that in this font atleast capital i's look just like normal l's, how the bright shmuck that came up with that idea]

The war in Israel has just turned official, Hamas are now the legitimate, democratically elected government of the Palestinian territories. They don't have a military wing, they have an army. They're not terrorists or para-militarys, they're something worse, a government. When they bomb Israeli targets, its not terrorism, its war. And when the Israelis bomb beaches and kill civilians Hamas now have a legal right, perhaps even a responsibility to strike back. Now perhaps because of the actions of Israel, when Hamas kills civilians they can call it collateral damage instead of terrorism. Business as usual for most governments.


go to
when you do, tell them i sent you.

ow my head, or as comic book guy from the simpsons would say 'worst, headache ever!'.

ow my head,
it hurts like I have a really tight,
and really heavy helmet on, I feel as though if I were to move my head to fast, the weight would break my neck.
I feel the hand of god on me and he's squeezing real hard.

No cookies

Sorry for not posting on here yesterday, but the computer insisted that it would not work untill it had some cookies, I tried inserting some chocolate chip ones but this didn't seem to go down to well with library staff and so I just left it at that. However, allthough it is working slowly today the computer has allowed me to axcess blogger and thus I asume that the library staff have fed it some cookies in the correct manner, in any case, onwards and upwards.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Bush bashes gays, I bash Bush [no intended innuendo]

President suspect George Bush has recently decided that he's going to placate his socially conservative Christian base by once again attempting to ban gay marriage, or if you're a supporter of this bill, define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. This has been labeled by many commentators as nothing more than a token gesture as it is claimed that Bush knows it is doomed to fail I however think that it is most probable that Bush knows nothing about nothing about nothing. In any case the aurgument for this bill is that marriage is mankinds oldest established concept [or words to that affect] , and this may well be true [allthough i think that it isn't] but then slavery was and is also a very longly established action within society it in fact still goes on today, in some parts of the world, but its longetivity is no reason to big it up, it is no reason not to wipe it of the face of the planet. I am not equating marriage with slavery [allthough some who have gone through it may dissagree] but actually marriage does have some simmilaritys to slavery. Historically marriage represented the ownership of the women by the man, [proof of this is found in the fact that untill reletively recent the couple would be refered to as man and wife the implication being that allthough the husband remains a man the women is now simply a wife] and the ownership of the man and the woman by the state or local lord [proof of this is found in the fact that if one wanteed to get maried then it used to be that one would have to ask for the permission of the local lord who had the power to refuse you, this is not dissimilar to the modern practice of marriage registration i.e. any marriage that is not registered is not considered to be legal]. the Bushes and there supporters claim that this is not about bashing gays it is simply about protecting the institution of marriage but this is not met out in the second major reason that they have given to prove the neccesity of this bill and that is that marriage must be protected because it has all of these benifits, I won't bother listing them but suffice it to say that any benifit derived from a marriage is down to the two people involved with the marriage and not the institution of marriage itself, in any case if this bill had nothing to do with bashing gays then the bill supporters would not by implication be suggesting that these benifits should or indeed must be kept away from gay people.
Bush is an idiot if he thinks this will work, or maybe he's not an idiot cos he knows it won't, or maybe he's an idiot because he knows it will work. In an America were a womens [long fought for] right to control what happens in her own body, is being rappidly being eroded, nothing can be taken for granted.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

go here

Today in today.

The omen remake is being released today, the sixth day of the sixth mounth of the sixth aka 666 mark of the beast, unfortunately for these film makers it has been discovered in the earliest translations of the new testament that the actual number of the beast is 616 meaning they would have had to release the film in january to get the numbers to match up correctly.
However, whatever the numbers no ammount of superstition can prevent me from not seeing this film. The fact of the matter is that it did not need to be made, there is nothing wrong with the original movie, it can't be improved on, it as simple as that. The only reason why anyone in their right and good mind, would want to remake it is so they could then go on to remake the sequals to it, which first time round really weren't that good and certainly could be improved on. Therefore if they do go on to remake those as well then I will most deffinetly go to see them or atleast rent them on DVD later on.

New phrase. [what is this the 3rd i've put on here the 4th maybe? well whatever]

Smash the granny out of it.
Essentially equal in meaning to the phrase beat the shit out of it.
Example of usage:
"I smashed the granny out of it" or "you got the granny smashed out of you".

Kindly provided without permission by Mark Andrew Jones.
He's not on blogger he's just some guy I know.

Bad habits.

Among my bad habits are picking my nose, biting my finger nails [i actually bite them from one side to the other so actually i'm really just trimming them] and, reading on the toilet; all of which are quite if not very common, but i've recently noticed a new one that i'm not so sure about. Waving the curser around and clicking on the little moving globe thingy and the increasing bar thingum that shows you how much time you have left for something to load up or something like that, in the [perhaps] mistaken belief that it will cause it to do so more quickly when in fact because you are giving the computer more information to deal with it is considerably more likely to slow it down further. The two things i'm not sure about are for a start how common is this practice and secondly, i'm often quite convinced that it does in fact speed up the process but how can that be.

Another thing,
why is it the lucinda grande and georgia font types are completely identical?
Also should blogger make more fonts available?

One thing i just can't stand, or, What i've got a bug up my arse about today.

I really can't stand it when you click on the next blog button, and you end up coming to a blog that doesn't have that button. I mean come on, who the hell does something like that! The only reason I can think of why someone would do that is because they are incredibly selfish and they really, really dislike the idea, that another blog may derive some traffic from theirs. I bet they think that if they stop people from continuing travelling down the 'next blog road' and will just decide to stay there instead of angilly going back to the last blog they were on, clicking it again and hoping it doesn't send them to the same blog [which is what i usually do].

Monday, June 05, 2006


There has for last few years been a great deal of talk about academic boycotts against Israel and I have always felt that they were simply token gestures that say “you know what, we don’t like what you’re doing here” in such a manner that the targeted party must take notice but not in such a manner that it does any actual damage to them. They are boycotts not sanctions they do no real harm and yet the word racist has recently started to be bandied about. This is at a time when sanctions have been levelled against the Palestinian people on the basis that they have voted in the wrong government a government that refuses to recognise a country that also refuses to recognise them and yet has no such sanctions against them. You can argue all you like about the relative hypocrisy of this but what one can not argue about is the fact that men woman and children are dying because there hospitals have no money for medicine or anything else for that matter the fact of the matter is that these sanctions are killing. If suggesting a boycott against Israeli academics is racist and in some ways it may well be, then what new word must we invent to describe the barbarity of these sanctions?


People it seems have tendency towards a confusion by which they come to believe that the word synonymous means ‘the same as’ clearly that is not the case, synonymous means similar in meaning or something thereabouts it doesn’t mean ‘the same as’ or ‘alternative to’ the fact of the matter is that different words, no matter how similar to each other they may be have different meanings. The way by which this confusion arises is that it is very difficult to describe exactly how or in what manner one word has a different meaning to another without making recourse to that words synonyms. There is I believe a solution to this problem perhaps even a number of solutions.

For instance say, this word is like that word only it’s a bit colder in feel, or its more cerebrally based. For example ‘intelligent’ has a more cerebral base to it whereas ‘clever’ has a more practical base. Also one could think about the derivation of the word, think of what culture it comes from and of what concepts that culture had and which it didn’t have, say that this word comes from there and that it does not within its self have this or that concept, or one could simply say this has a more Greek feel to it whereas that is more french. This is of course something that one could not do with other languages such as french or Greek as they has very few if any words within them that come from other languages and cultures.

One other method by which this confusion arises is that people rarely learn words by having them explained to them, you learn mostly from hearing words and seeing what circumstances they are used in. Thus the final method by which this confusion could be averted is by reforming our various cultures in such a way as to make so that you would learn mainly by having words explained to you and only secondarily by hearing their usage in the outside world. The only problem with this is that it would slow down the learning process and thus slow down the rate of innovation within society, however it may also make it into a much more intelligent and thoughtful society more capable of solving its problems and those of the greater world, so perhaps the extra time and money spent on education would be worth it in the long term, which leaves only three questions.

How long will it hold up the education process?

How much more money would thus have to be spent on it?


Can such an amount be affordable to society?

Dick n Dom must die.

For those of us lucky enough to have not heard of them, Dick and Dom are a British, children’s entertainment double act, most famous for an insipid piece of shit show named ‘Dick n Dom in Da Bungalow’ [or something similar to that], and beyond that, they are famous or perhaps infamous for their, ‘hilarious’ prank of going into places such as opera halls and libraries [and shopping precincts as well] and attempting to get people to scream out at the top of their lungs, the word bogies. Now I may admit that it is mildly amusing on a conceptual level, if a bit unimaginative, the point being that one goes into a place where one is not meant to make any noise at all, and not only do you shout, but you shout out a vaguely rude word. So yes I understand the concept, and I understand why it should be atleast vaguely funny, but in practice on the other hand it’s just plain annoying. There have been several occasions when I was sitting in my local library, and a bunch of flee ridden feral children come running in and start screaming bogies, and I can tell you absolutely no one laughs, at the dirty little mites, so I know from personal experience that its not at all funny. Interestingly on the most recent occasion of this happening I did actually laugh, but not at what the kids were doing but at the fact that when they screamed bogies someone shouted out “someone give them a tissue!”