Some number of months, or was it weeks ago, i wrote something explaining how at one point i was obbsessed with [address provided for those who have not hear of it] the online encyclopedia, and that then my obssesion shifted to blogger, and then to yahoo answers.
I then proceaded to offer you the chance to direct the next movements of my obssesion, but you in you apathy choose not to and thus, my obsession was left to wander aimlessly flitting between yahoo answers, blogger, and wikipedia. Eventially cold, alone, and scared it no longer had the strength or fortitude to brave the uncontrolled savagery of wikipedia and thus left its self to wallow in the barren muck between the worlds, the internet and all it had to offer glittering away in the distance like a far off galaxy. But eventually after untold times of electronic pounding against, the frozen shell of fear encrusted around my obsession in its muck an e-mail got through, an e-mail that was to give new meaning and life to my [lets cut the crap and call a spade a spade] addiction a saviour an enslaver an open world my new addiction.
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