Thursday, March 30, 2006
I find it interesting that if a terrorist wishes to make the move into politics then they are expected to give up violence, and yet if they were through political means to become priminister or president of a country then they would have an entire army at their dissposal and at that point if they did not take up violence, once more, then it would undoubtly be said that they are soft on national security issues.
The fact of the matter is that, logically speaking you can't go up to someone and tell them that if they want to negotiate with you then they must give up violence and then say if they don't then there will be swift millitary reprisals. And yet, there really isn't any other way to do it. Whats the alternative, just let them walk all over us, i suppose it worked for Ghandi and for the civil rights protesters or atleast thats how history records it, perhaps it didn't happen like that perhaps it was the violent groups that made things change and not the passifists. Perhaps sometimes violence is the only way to get things done.
History is littered with tyrants who wern't bad enough to survive and emblazoned with those who got the balance between compassion and cruelty just right and were loved and admired for it.
Ultimitly there is no real difference between terrorrist action and military action and surely when a terrorrist group is sponsered by a state then they become a sort of military and should be loved respected and hated as such.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The River Acheron
The River Styx
THE Wall of dis
The River Phlegephon
Against their neighbours: Tyrants and Murderers
Against themselves [suicides] and
Against their possessions [squanderers]
Against god
Blasphemers, Sodomites, Usurers.
Panders and seducers.
Diviners, Astrologers, and Magicians.
Fraudulent counsellors.
Sowers of scandal and schism.
Falsifiers of
Metals, Persons, Coins, Words.
Traitors to kin
Traitors to Homeland or Party
Traitors to Guest
Traitors to Benefactors
The Pit of Cocytus
Ante – Hell is I believe the entrance to that place, neutrals is presumably what it says on the tin i.e. a neutral place where no one is punished. The river Acheron gave name to a rather good satanic death metal band of the same name while Styx gave name to a nineteen seventies pomp rock band off which I have no opinion both the Phlegethon and Cocytus have failed to give their names any bands of any sort but they should have. Limbo is a place where unbaptised souls are meant to go and are free from physical pain but completely disconnected from the presence of god. Avarice is a form of greed prodigal seems to mean someone who runs away from his or her familiar responsibilities. Usury on the other hand is loaning someone money and then having them pay it back with interest. Usury was considered by the Jews in biblical times to be a major sin and this why I suspect many Christian countries passed laws that only allowed Jews to do certain types of work one of which being banking. A pander is basically a pimp and a seducer a prostitute. A simonist is someone who attempts to buy favour in heaven, taken from the story of Simon Magus the first magician who according to legend attempted to buy his way into Jesus’ good favour. Lastly, a barrator is someone who attempts to cause confusion hatred and or other such things.
Being in possession of an unbaptised soul I’ve got my foot in the door of limbo and seeing as I’m not asexual I’ve certainly felt lust and even acted on it. I’ve been plenty gluttonous in my time and I’ve got the beer gut to prove it I’ve also been plenty avaricious in my time in fact the two sort of go hand in hand. As for prodigal, I don’t really have any familiar responsibilities to run away from but then being prodigal is more than that. The word prodigy is taken directly from that and prodigy means a young genius. Really and truly being prodigal is more about being greedy for a better life one that would perhaps take you away from you’re family. We all want a better life. I’ve been wrathful and sullen much of my life and one of things I direct my wrath onto is religion so I suppose that puts me into the city of dis in the sixth circle with the other heretics. I’ve squandered my possessions and blasphemed god so that puts me in the seventh circle. I’ve been practising occultism for the last few years, I shop lifted for much of my youth, and I always used to do this thing were I would go to one of those twenty pence machines where you put the money into the slot and then turn this key around which checks the money and then lets the thing you’ve brought drop out and the thing is if it’s the right shape and right weight then it doesn’t matter what you put in there. So what I used to do was get a penny and wrap it up in a piece of paper so that it had the same shape as a twenty pence piece and that would work, of course that would be considered to be falsification of coins so all that stuff puts me in the eighth circle Based on that where are you or rather where will you be I mean if you believe in this sort of thing that is?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
perhaps oh perhaps oh perhaps enough with perhaps.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
terrorist ETA have just given up the armed struggle and it doesn't surprise me atall the fact of the matter is that there comes a point for every terrorist group when violence has done as much good for them as it can possibly do and in fact may have done plenty detrimental to their cause once that points been reached it becomes time to move to the negotiations table that was i might add only made open to them by their acts of violence because before then the spanish goverment [or any other envolved in such armed struggles] didn't think that there was a problem.
the pathway to power and anyother aims you may have is simple
violence, negotiations, patiance and machinations.
Friday, March 24, 2006
The first laws of balloon worship:
1] everybody likes baloons.
2] liking balloons is one of the constants of the universe.
3] if you don't like balloons then you've got something wrong with you.
4] balloons are perfect.
5] balloons show the fragility of life
6] balloons are like eggs.
7] balloons are like the planet
8] balloons are like the galaxy.
9] balloons are like the universe.
10] balloons are representations of life and creation.
11] nobody can hate a balloon.
12] there is no one and true and only balloon, only balloons.
The first ritual of balloon worship
rub balloon against chest untill enough static electricity has built up for it to stay there, contemplate it untill it of its own achord falls off, do not force it off.
alternatively follow the first step but then put it on the wall and contemplate it untill it of its own achord falls down, once again do not force it off.
1] what do you most like about this blog?
2] what do you least like about this blog? [bet you saw that one coming]
3] how often do you visit this blog?
4] on average how long do you spend on it?
5] how did you find out about this blog?
6] do you visit any of my other blogs?
7] do you ever leave comments?, if you do not, then, why not?
8] is there anything else you would like to say? [this does not mean that you should say yes or no it is inviting you to say something else not covered by any of the other questions so really it wasn't a question and i should have re phrased it and not had the question mark but i didn't want to upset the flow of the questions]
Thursday, March 23, 2006
has been updated
it may interest you
it may not
but there it is
Our continued presence in Iraq is the very thing that prevents us from getting out of there. The Iraqis have an army and police force that can deal with much of the country, the only parts of the country that they can not deal with are those that have been destabilised by the actions of some of our soldiers and the miss-management of our army. One could say that this is the reason why we should stay there so we can sort out the problems that we have created and that is of course the right thing to do however statistically speaking the longer that we stay there the more likely it is that something else will happen that will destabilise things even further, of course the Iraqis are quite capable of doing this themselves and in fact that is what is happening. They are currently having a civil war, one that we can not stop; it simply has to be allowed to take its course. Only when every ounce of American and British influence has been removed from Iraq’s political process will the majority of Iraqis feel as though they have their own country, only then can democracy really happen because only then will the majority of Iraqis feel that they are allowed to make their own decisions without any outside interference. Then perhaps we can return to the country only it will have to be on the Iraqi’s terms and not our own and this may mean that we won’t be allowed back at all. The reason why we almost certainly won’t leave is that we can’t take the risk that the next Iraqi government will not allow us to stay there and have some of their oil at a cut price rate. The fact of the matter is one way or another if the Iraqis want a harsh totalitarian Islamic dictatorship then that is what they will get one way or another by hook or by crook by democracy or by bloody revolution. There is nothing that we can do about it and I think our continued presence might make it more likely not less.
The English obsession.
If you are having sugar and I recommend that you do, then put it in first and make sure it is no more than two teaspoons and ideally it should be just one and a bit or maybe one and a half, then neatly place the tea bag on top of the sugar make sure that you are using a cup and not a mug this is very important is you use a mug then the boiling water [and it must be really boiling.] will not be able to hit the tea bag head on as it were. When poring in the water make sure you do it in one steady stream always focusing it on the centre of the tea bag, once this is complete do not I repeat do not put milk into it yes I know everybody does it [apart from the Russians Chinese and Indians they know better] if everybody jumped off a cliff would you do that as well? Well would you? DO NOT PUT MILK IN TEA sugar is permissible because it adds something to the taste perhaps even sharpening it up much in the same way that Whisky [as some people spell god with a capital letter I do the same with Whisky] would sharpen up coffee milk however simply dulls the taste when the first English people went to China they were given tea to drink and of course they found the taste to be strange and foreign so they put milk in it to make it more palatable but we have come on from that by quite a way, no longer should we feel the need to do so our taste buds have advanced. So if you don’t like the taste of tea don’t put milk in it just don’t drink it.
The American obsession.
Start by putting the coffee granules [yes you can make a perfect cup of coffee from instant] into the mug you can use a cup but I find that a mug is better [the amount you use is up to you but I find that two teaspoons is enough however you probably shouldn’t use any less than that], then put the milk or if you want black coffee then the cold water in first this prevents the coffee from getting burnt once it is to a level in harmony with you’re tastes start to mix it around until it gets to a smooth consistency then poor in the water which should be just boiling but not by very much. You shouldn’t need to put sugar in, but if you must then that’s fine.
Notice how I have written considerably less for this [183 by the time I’m finished writing this little piece] than I did for the perfect cup of tea [309] this at the very least proves that I am English through and through.
The reason for this is simply that it was something that was associated mostly with their previous oppressors the English and seeing as they wanted to be seen as a new country, they obviously decided to either at a conscious or unconscious level that they would define themselves against the English or rather as different to the English.Interestingly this makes me think of the Jews who acquired many or at least some of the facets of their religion through wishing to define themselves against other religions and cultures one instance of this is that for a number of reasons they are not allowed to have female priests and one of the main reasons for that was that the Egyptians did have them, one suspects also that their non allowance of pork eating may come from the fact that the Egyptians venerated the creature certainly that seems to be what caused them to spill lambs blood on their homes in Egypt [where they were slaves] in order to protect them from the wrath of their lord the lamb you see was also very important to the Egyptians and in fact I believe that the bible even says that they did it with lambs to prove the might of themselves against the gods of Egypt. In any case all this thinking about Jews makes me think of oppression and that brings me back to this “their previous oppressors the English” if you can’t remember who I was talking about it was the Americans. Was America really oppressed by England? Popular opinion says yes, I say no. Americans were allowed to move freely, their representatives [Ben Franklin among others.] were allowed to travel to England to lobby the government for greater independence for the colonies, the thing that pushed them over the edge was the taxation being thrown at America they just didn’t like it and who can blame them.
1] Spend time thinking about it, don’t just jot it off the top of you’re head. If at all possible write it the previous night and in the morning check it over then and only then upload it onto you’re blog.
2] Try not to make it too long, try to keep it down to about half a page; on the other hand you don’t make it too short either, any thing under seven lines is probably too small an amount.
3] When you begin a new subject, begin also a new post this means that someone will be able to read about one subject and then make a comment about it before reading onto the next subject.
4] Have a actual subject, talk about something don’t just waffle on.
5] Have a sense of humour, write by all means passionately but don’t lose you’re sense of perspective.
6] If you have to give a lot of information so that people can understand what you’re talking about, then you may find it helpful to put a link to somewhere which will have all of the information that you need to give, on the other hand if hand if you acquired you’re information from several different places then perhaps you should compile it and put it into a blog which would be seen before the reader sees the actual piece with you’re opinions in it.
7] You have to realise that if you want one piece to be seen before another you have to upload it second.
8] Don’t write pointless pieces of shit!
9] Spelling really doesn’t matter that much but grammar does. If you don’t pay attention to you’re grammar you’ll just end up looking stupid.
10] These rules are not absolute, you can break them, I do it all them time
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Allso do you know that rage against the machine's entire back catalougue is still banned by clear water america's biggest comercial radio network.
But to get back to south park considering that in previous episodes they have suggested that jews worship moses and that chatholics worship a giant space spider i can't imagine what they said about the scientoligists that could be worse than that. Having said that i do see it from their point of view as well they get huge amounts of bad press often for little or no reason rumours passed around by knews networks that have little or no understanding of this relegion people who say that its a cult because they don't have any gods without realising that by that theory buhdism would also be considered a cult, all i can say is that this isn't the best way to go about defending you're self, its not even in the top twenty.
In a car park near where i live there is a sign painted on the floor saying and i quote
now for a start this is strange because what the hell is a hollow void and secondly it is wierd because gramatically speaking it could be saying either do not park here because it is a hollow void or do not park here if you are hollow void i suspect however that it is something to do with cars having enougth room to drive out of their parking position however when one consideres A] that this is not being done in any other part of the car park, and B] that i have noticed it being done in any other car park that i,ve been, the theory falls somewhat flat however it could be rescued if one were to say that it was painted by the cartaker of the swimming pool that backs out onto the car park so that he or she can get out when they want to and that they don't care about anyone else with regards towards that or they do not have the authority to paint that anywhere else in the car park.
The interesting thing about this show is that the six children featured in it were not of the marriage between their parents this was obviously done so that there would be no question of sex between the two elder Bradys, however this does of course bring up the thorny issue of divorce this was dealt with by simply ignoring it, no previous marriages were acknowledged by the show no problems of logic were acknowledged either. People would I imagine answer this by saying that it was the seventies and it was a more innocent time, but for a start I’d like to say that the seventies were not innocent by any stretch of the imagination it was a very violent decade, the cold war was still very much on, freezing the minds of millions across the globe, there were wars and the threat of wars, there was genocide I mean Khmer Rouge anyone?, and secondly how much more difficult is it for a little boy’s or girl’s parents to explain to them about the birds and the bees if they’ve just watched a show where children seem to exist without the aid of conception I mean what is up with that?
Yeah I guess this is only about thirty years too late, but then I wasn’t around then and that doesn’t stop me from thinking about it and maybe even caring, and after all TV shows are re-run.
I’ve just thought up a brilliant new cure to one of the nastiest symptoms of the cold and the flu, the blocked nose and heavy head cold caused by blocked up sinuses. Simply insert a series of tiny metal rings with built in transmitters into you’re nasal cavities and beyond. When you’re sinuses are getting blocked up simply press a button and a transmission will be sent to each and every one of the miracle rings causing them to expand thus alleviating theses symptoms. If the miracle rings are not quite enough to fully alleviate you’re cold and or flu symptoms then with one quick and easy extra payment you can also acquire for you’re self the miracle snot sucker. Once the miracle rings are fully expanded snot will once more be able to flow freely around you’re head then all you need to do is apply the miracle snot sucker to you’re nasal cavities and turn it on and the miracle suction will then clear all the snot out of you’re sinuses thus curing you’re cold and or flu. Now if I was to say that what I said was absolutely true then how much would you pay for it what’s that you say “one hundred pounds” well you don’t have to pay that much all you’ll pay is one easy payment [per item] of ninety seven pounds [per item] the seven is for nasal heaven.
There is a certain sort of hypocrisy, growing up in the world today, whereby someone wishes to retain all of the luxuries of living in a modern democracy, without any of the responsibilities, they want to say what they want when they want, but don’t ask them to tolerate anyone else doing the same or else you’re in for a fight. They want all of the protections of living under the auspices of a justice system, and if they were on the receiving end of it then you can be sure that they’d want their rights protected, but when the same “privilege” is extended to anyone else, you can damn well be sure that they’ll start ranting on about how “their all on the side of the criminal” you can be sure that until it works to their detriment they’d be quite happy to have a system of vengeance instead of justice, not that any of them would have the forbearance or bravery to carry out such an action themselves no they’d have the state doing for them, the state working under their orders as if they were the ones in charge, but don’t expect them to take any sort of interest in politics. They say things like “I wouldn’t like to live in a place like Iran and neither would you” but if they were in charge things wouldn’t be much different. They are the average “citizens” of pretty much any western country and their numbers are growing when once entry to this group was barred to all but the middle classes now much of the working classes are in the same place, it seems that the more comfortable people are the stupider they get.
Monday, March 20, 2006
well i guess i'll never be an audio typist, just maybe pissed, i can't even type correctly what comes out of my own head, how am i going to deal with something thats coming out of someone elses via their mouth with all that that intails and if their talking out of their arses what am i left with then it'll be like chinese whispers.
this on its own had two spelling mistakes and three typos, but i noticed them and dealt with them.
and thats how you post something about correcting a misstake on a previous post without having it be really short and boring [though i've dealt with the shortness, there's no garantee that it won't be boring.]
if you were to go so much as one penny over you're limit you would still have to pay the fee of twenty pounds, this amounts to you're bank or building society giving you a lone, that lasts a maxamine of seven, eight, or nine days and is payed back all in one go at an interest rate two thousand percent, even if you were to go a whole twenty pounds over the limit it would still be paid back at an interest rate of one hundred percent if its forty pounds then its fifty percent and it only gets anywhere near to a reasonable level of interest when the overdraft gets to something over a hundred pounds out. so boys and girls if you're going to have an over draft then make sure that the ammount you spend on the item that sends you over is a really huge ammount over wise you'll be severely and unreasonably out of pocket. but sort of message is that to be sending out.
Friday, March 17, 2006
I just found out that my account had gone £21 under £10 meaning that i had an overdraft of £11 that i didn't even know about. I just got a letter sent to me by the halifax [my bank] in which they say that they have "paid the items shown bellow even though this means that you're account is now overdrawn" as if their some sort of heroes under going great hardships just so i can buy my magazines [thats what sent me over my limit] had i known when paying for them that i was going to go overdrawn i would not have done so, i mean come on all it would take is a little message on the cash register saying that "if this transaction is completed then the account represented by this card will go overdrawn" surely that wouldn't be to much of a bother for them to program into the card after all we are now in the days of chip and pin, but then of course that would mean they wouldn't have been able to charge me this massive ammount of interest £20! [ i really need to do an entire post devoted to the possible illegal nature of this way of dealing with overdrafts]
The next day i found out, that in fact my job seekers allowance had not gone in to my account yet and this mean't that i went another £2 overdrawn meaning that i have another charge of £20 to pay meaning that the job centre is bloody well going to pay it for me seeing as its their inaction that caused it to happen in the first place.
So i'll give you an up date on wether i was able to get them to pay it or not.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
A rose by any other name would never ever smell the same, and clever is the nose that knows a dog turd thats been called a rose.
you can replace dog turd with almost anything else as long as its of a similar length.
another cool one is
miss suzie had a steam boat
the steam boat had a bell
miss suzie went to heaven
but the steam boat went to hell.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
right, get this i was on a bus and the bus stop i ussually get off at was out of use for road works and theirs nothing wrong with that but the next stop for that bus is some considerable way off still within walking distance but its about five minutes away and was thus late for my meating at the job centre and allthough they have been very tolerant of my tardiness in the past they could non the less have cut my benifits off thats the difference one buss stop can make and i say its a conspiracy to get lots of people off of job seekers alowance and thus cut the goverment money spent in that area.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
" its poo on a stick
its yummy bummy for you're tummy
its poo on a stick."
does that sound like something that children will soon be pestering their parents for.
Wake up and smell the magenta you are just tracing over some else's drawings you say that you add depth and strength to a drawing and that may well be true but you're entire job was created solely because the imaging technology of the time was not good enough to pick up fine pencil lines but that time is over now and as for you adding strength and depth to a picture as i have allready said that may well be true but you allso take alot away there is a depth of vision and detail in pencil drawings that is allways lost when ink is applied over it so when choosing you're carreer you should think about this if you're not good enough to be the main artist then perhaps you shouldn't be involved at all.
i'm not angry about this though, i mean did i seem angry, cos i'm not, i just had a burning desire to get this out of me as quick as possible, and so like a pencil drawing it comes out rough and ready with a passion and no real punctuation.
" the things they don't teach you in school
They don't teach you how to love somebody.
They don't teach you how to be famous.
They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor.
They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer.
They don't teach you how to know whats going on in someone else's mind.
They don't teach you what to say to someones whos dying.
They don't teach you anything worth knowing."
although i don't think that the last part is true i do think that many of these things are more important than algerba.
this was taken from neil gaiman's comic book the sandman the volume intitled the kindly ones.
i suggest you read it and that if you do then you do what i did not and read it in order first volume to the last no skipping ahead.
the first volume of it is called Preludes and nocturnes, start there and work you're way up.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
i hope i havn't offended her to much [ it is a her isn't it i'm sure you said it was in you're profile unless i'm remembering it wrong].
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Your Unconscious Mind Is Most Driven by Peace.
You have a deeply-rooted desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way. You have a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward peace guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others. Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are...
i think its mostly true allthough i dislike the term peace in the world.
Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful
You've got a ton of brain power, and you leverage it into brilliant blog.Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights.A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time.You blog for yourself - and you don't care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is!
see even the internet thinks i'm a genius.