Saturday, May 13, 2006

Is libertarianism dead in America and if so who or what killed it?

It seems to me that America was founded on the principles of libertarianism and it shocks me to think how far away from those ideals they have gone.
I would imagine that the founding fathers would be aghast to know that America now uses patriotism and the threat of tragedy as weapons of tyranny against their own people. One wonders that if they new that would they have pushed so hard to break away from English rule or would they have instead pushed for great reform of the entire British empire and the rules that govern it. I happen to think that had they done this and succeeded then the British empire may well have continued much longer than it did perhaps it would even exist today instead of this farcical shadow form that it takes now. I happen to think also that had this been achieved then the world of today would be a much better place for it, but all of that is mere historic speculation and it does not distract me long from the fact that libertarian ideal are in America atleast and to all intents and purposes dead, leaving us with only one question who or what did who committed this great crime this great murder this great injustice for they committed it against the very people of America and for that matter the people of all the world. In answer to that question I can offer you one word..... religion..... more so than that and more percificaly Christianity. Christianity murdered the libertarian ideal and why wouldn't it doesn't the constitution grant not only freedom of religion but also freedom from religion.
But it had to be religion didn't it what else could cause the American people to allow such ideals that have protected them for so long to be thrown out................ well theres allway laziness i suppose, and America's bellys are testiment to your aptitude at that.


Phillip R Goodman said...

Try Cannada if i lived there i'd probably be able to spell.
The UK is kinda just like a miniture version of America for instance America is the fattest country in the world whereas the UK is the fattest country in Europe.
by the way what do you think about the way i've highlited certain words? how do you think it looks? are they even the right words? and does it make it difficult to read?

Anonymous said...

wow, another armchair interlectual... you've opened my eyes to a stark reality...

Phillip R Goodman said...

so you think you're funny huh?
in any case there isn't really any other type of interlectual, the word armchair in this context means someone who is something but doesn't do anything about it like an armchair general saying what should have been done never doing anything about it, in the case of the interlectual however, there is nothing to be done. In order to be an interlectual theres not anything that you have to do you just have to be clever and hold a great deal of praise for ideas and theorys thats all.