Thursday, June 01, 2006

secrets of the da blogspot code?

Have any of you ever noticed that the collections of letters that come up in word verification often seem to be similar to certain words, or they seem as if they are words or should be words?
Perhaps someone is trying to send us a message? if this is the case then they should know that there are eisier and more direct ways to send such messages, i mean havn't they ever heard of coding secret messages into religious paintings i mean come on.

and in other news

Why is it that any collection common symbols [such as !£$%^&*] allways seems to look like a trail of expletives, is this perhaps something that has been conditioned into us by comic books and the like or is it actually something implicit in the symbols themselves. On the other hand perhaps this perception is something particular to me as many things are and other people such as you're selves do not know what the hell i'm going on about.


Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.