Saturday, September 16, 2006

Persecuting the skinny

At Milan fasion week they have put a ban on models under a certain weight meaning for instance that 5 foot 9 inch tall model would have to weigh atleast 8 stone now thats perfectly reasonable but what i object to is the completely hypocritical affront to personal liberty that this ban is. Being over weight is as bad if not worse than being under weight as it is easier to gain weight than it is to lose it [ i should know as a child i was under weight by about a stone but i'm now over weight by the same ammount ] but imagine if such a ban was introduced against any over weight person. My second objection is a logistical one what for instance what would happen if some one weighed just a pound or less under imagine the scenes back stage everyone piling in the crispy creams making themselves sick just to make sure their allowed to do their job.


Gyrobo said...

Stones? In the blogosphere, the standard of weight is Kelvins squared.

You know, because of the speed of light... I don't really know. All I know is that by squaring temperature in Kelvin, you get a mass, which can then be divided by height to equal weight.

I'm a genius.

Phillip R Goodman said...

have you noticed how most people who are considered to be genius's never refer to themselves as that, really i think it takes a super genius to have the guts to refer to themselves as a genius.