Monday, December 11, 2006

My week got better then it got worse then it got better.

After logging off on Thursday of last week, I went out to take back the mouse that did not work and get a new one. I was pleased to note that the new one stated on its packaging that it was compatible with Windows 95 [the week gets better]. However, upon getting it home I found that it provoked the exact same response from my computer, as had the previous one [the week gets worse]. Having said that my week was greatly improved when on Saturday after having sent them off five days ago my DVD’s finally arrived.

So to summarise and make the final tally
1 disappointing trip to the job centre [disappointment rating 1/5]
2 disappointing computer mice [rated 3/5 for the first one and 5/5 for the second]
3 disappointing days without DVD’s [1st day 4.5/5 2nd day 5/5 3rd day 1/5]
Weekly disappointment rating [19.5/30]

If there’s anything, I missed out then frankly good riddance to it. I’ve already written two pieces about my disappointing week, so I don’t want to dwell on it anymore than I already have.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I wikes compootur mousiez deyz squeekie and I getz ta run off wif dem... oh wait datz da fuzzy kind. Nevur mind.

(silly Katie Kitty... =^..^=)

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

My week was hopeful, then it went downhill from there.

Now it's climb back up the hill day...
