I've just noticed something, exciting design means boring content.
The more bright colours, the more pretty pictures, the less time there is to write;
But of course some don't start blogs to write, for some the blog is nothing more than a modern version of the diary, except that diary's are meant to be private.
Was that an adequate summation of your output, well then........ what can i do for you.
Are you poking fun of my blog? ...assuming that my blog has exciting design or bright colors.
Perhaps, boring content to one is exciting content to another. C'est la vie.
Are you poking fun of my blog? ...assuming that my blog has exciting design or bright colors.
Perhaps, boring content to one is exciting content to another. C'est la vie.
Are you poking fun of my blog? ...assuming that my blog has exciting design or bright colors.
Perhaps, boring content to one is exciting content to another. C'est la vie.
Are you poking fun of my blog? ...assuming that my blog has exciting design or bright colors.
Perhaps, boring content to one is exciting content to another. C'est la vie.
um why did you have to say it four times do you think i'm death or something?
i actually wrote this after reading someone elses blog i don't remember the address but it had an exceptional quality of design, it was just that the content sucked it was just really boring, the person really just didn't seem to have anything to say, and i've found that in general this is the case with most sites with exciting designs, your site may be one of the exceptions to this rule except that allthough your site is exciting looking it is as the title suggests not exceptionally designed but then i would imagine that its on second lool only slightly garish design is intentional, i'll have a look at your others and see how this line of thought plays out.
so far so good 'the scale does not define me' has a more muted design that does not distract from the writing and thus the writing at the very least appears to be better and mosre engaging.
this line of thought continues to play out as i thought it would 'origin-a cofee journey' despite its muted design has clearly had a lot of thought put into it, it has despite [intentionally i hope] clashing colours] a almost stylish feel particuly with the background image, and writing, well i'm sorry but it bored me and i love coffee, but the writing just has such a relaxed feel to it that i can't imagine that it was writen while on coffee [caffein is a drug] perhaps you drink de caf?
luverly luverly luverly...
i likes the interesting colourz.
and oh I changed my name to one that fits me beter.
I'm a kat with glasses and a hat. I wear black and that's that.
bye bye.
Sometimes Blogger hangs and you don't think your comment got posted, so you publish it again and again. That explains the four Jennies.
Hi dude
I think your site has got a cramped out layout. Need any help contact me.
If you need to change the colors or layout contact me. Dont fear any charges
Dude there is a lotta spam out on your blog, to stop that turn WordVerification ON from the settings tab on blogger dashboard
hi ajith i left the word verification of because i occasionally get proper msgs from anonymous persons however the spam has got to such a point that i really do need it thanks anyway
i think you better put up the confirmation letter stuff. someone stuffed the comment box with cruddie.
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