An epic narrative exploration of the effects of egalitarianism on certain individuals living within society.
The Stoic child part 3
Starting point
The unhappy noisy child is rewarded with attention, the happy stoic child is punished by not getting any.
The happy stoic child remains stoic but does not keep his happiness for long, no more than anyone could. Then his stoicism ebbs away replaced by extreme introversion and resentment, he resents his parents and all of his contemporaries regardless of what ever personal pain they may have, he is unable to notice such things and why would he?; as he grows up these feelings grow and deepen he resents not just his parents and contemporaries but society and everyone in it regardless of whatever personal pain any such member may or may not have, he has never noticed such things, and why would he have? The resentment burns ever deeper, his stoicism grows ever weaker, and resentment turns to rage without the temperance of a super ego. He talks to few people and unable to make connections has no outlets, he has little stoicism left but its enough to keep him bottled up.Such people often explode and if you care a jot for the poor beggar’s mental health you’ll pray that this happens sooner rather than later and that he learns quickly to channel his violence against deserving targets. This is from that perspective the best outcome second best is that he develops a taste for violence and employs it whenever angry, worst and most likely of all outcomes is that he never does explode, society is happiest with this outcome, it is least disruptive and produces the particular neurosis that causes the neurotic to become a great cog in the wheel of the economy. It can therefore be seen that it is not within societies best interests to encourage this particular aspect of good parenting.
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