Thursday, May 17, 2007

Correction 2

Concerning my post intitled 'Midterm ma? maaa?..... something begining with a M signifying boredom.'
Though I was correct to say that the Labour party’s recent thrashing in the local elections was no where near as bad as had been predicted it was still a thrashing and a thrashings a thrashing a thrashings a thrashing, what’s more it has also meant that they have lost power in Scotland, where most of the party’s leadership seems to come from. The party replacing them is the Scottish National Party, commonly referred to as the SNP, the interesting thing about this is that they want to break Scotland away from the rest of the UK, great I say maybe this’ll mean we can send back our Scottish politicians like Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and Jack Straw, not that this is likely to happen as they have proportional representation in Scotland, and though the SNP got more votes than the other parties they did not get a majority of all votes and thus they will have to rule in coalition, and none of the other parties want that idea to even be on the tables. phhhhhhaaaaiaa aphhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa thats proportional representation for you, no no no say what you like about it but for ruling a country there's nothing quite like good old semi-sonic, semi-detached, semi-democracy. Just like they have in the good old United K.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I didn't pay much attentiong to elections in england. i got used to tony blair so don't know what i think of anybody new coming in.

although nikolas sarkosky looks like a decent french guy... but enough about france.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

new word = attentiong - wonder if that is short for attentioning


Phillip R Goodman said...

Attentiong it kinda sounds French,
and talking of things French, personnaly i think that Sarkasky is a facist pig (but thats fascism with a small ef) with a pathological aversion to anything even slightly left wing which in his book includes strikers, immigrants, students, and of course anyone who dares to take part in a protest unless of course that protest is protesting something left wing or something in one of the previously mentioned 'left wing' catogries.
People say that he's a modernist, but it seems to me that if you want to progress then you build on the past, you don't try and destroy it and Sarkosky has publically stated his wish to destroy the legacy of 1960's student radicalism, he wants france to be able to compete in the world market so he wants to get rid of the 30 hour working week, fair enough some might say, but do you think he's going to put a limit on it or do you think he's more likely to let employers set whatever hours they like with legislative intervention because of course longer hours meen greater productiveness for the company in the global market and if by chance someone falls asleep because they haven't had enough then just dock their hours and make them stay longer but wait a second the money i gave him after i docked his hours was a lot less than i was giving him before i docked his hours that gives me an idea maybe i should just pay him less then i get to keep more money and he works longer to earn the same as he was earning before and i get more money and he falls a sleep more and and more and i pay him less and less and keeping more and more for myself and pretty soon i'm not paying him anything at all, and now we're really competing and if you don't like it then you're a communist traitor.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Actually I quit politics and joined the conspiracy theorists.

although i do have a piggy bank that says je sui une cachon de capitaliste...

cuz i like laughing at myself.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

my french spelling is a bit off.


Phillip R Goodman said...

well if you can't laugh at yourself then you can't expect anybody else to.