Recent Sony Games ‘shoot em up’ the, I have been told by computer game nut freak friends brilliant, ‘Resistance: Fall of man’ apparently has one scene set in The Church or England (from now on CoE) controlled Manchester Cathedral, the CoE are obviously shocked appalled and apparently made go loonatic by this as they have recently said that they regard this as a, and I quote, ‘virtual desecration’. Heaven, God, and all his angels forbid the depiction of any act of violence inside a church, I mean of course apart from that dude who’s been nailed to a piece of wood. That of course is the absurdity of this case the CoE want this ‘violent game’ banned or at least suitably re-edited, and yet Christianity is a supremely violent religion in both the way it has acted over the ages and in its imagery, from the crucifixion to the inquisition, to the crusades, to the martyrdom of the saints, to the entire concept of martyrdom , Christianity glories in violence.
I don’t expect that the CoE will get anywhere with this case, not with the absurd demands that they’re making, and after all they only let minority religions dictate things like this, of course I could be wrong and it’s no laughing matter, one shouldn’t allow any religion or for that matter any institution that level of control over what we are allowed to see, and hear any more than one should allow some to gouge out you’re eyes, and poor concrete in you’re ears, of course we’ve already gone down this path, companies will usually cow tow to religious demands because they don’t want to alienate any possible customers. It seems that the demands of the market will enslave us all.
I don’t expect that the CoE will get anywhere with this case, not with the absurd demands that they’re making, and after all they only let minority religions dictate things like this, of course I could be wrong and it’s no laughing matter, one shouldn’t allow any religion or for that matter any institution that level of control over what we are allowed to see, and hear any more than one should allow some to gouge out you’re eyes, and poor concrete in you’re ears, of course we’ve already gone down this path, companies will usually cow tow to religious demands because they don’t want to alienate any possible customers. It seems that the demands of the market will enslave us all.
You've reminded me of something I read in my dreams.
hey you.. i put this comment under annonymous because i really didnt feel like signing in.. so yeah.. i tried to reply to your email twice... but every time.. the next day.. it says it didnt get sent.. its really frustrating.. hmm... but anyway.. i might try it again today.. so how have you been??? I havent gotten the chance to talk to you.. you should get myspace.. or facebook.. or something.. make it easier to keep in touch ;) hope you reply soon... talk tp you later Phillip
Much Love
I would say what could be easier than e-mail but obviously you've been having problems with so i won't. I've never trusted myspace, so whats this about iLike.
thats the funniest thing i've read this second, all hail
i mean
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