Thursday, February 16, 2006

children from the earliest age have this idea of respect shoved down their throats you must respect you're parents you must respect you're elders you must respect you're teachers you must respect the same people that you're parents and elders respect you must respect you're preachers why must you respect them 'well their you're parents you've got to respect you're parents' and at the end of all this respect who gives any respect to the children? no oneis it any wonder that as teenagers they go out and try to prove themselves by commiting crimes be they crimes of theft or crimes of violence society has never given them the benifit of the doubt why then should they not give the same lack of respect to society. ultimitly this is nothing new people have allways commited acts of violence in order to gain respect there was in fact a time not that long ago when a man only gained respect if he went to war in the name of his country, his leader, and his god nothing is different now the only difference is that now they fight for matirial posesions without covering their actions up with high minded ideals. at the end of the day the ammount of respect you get is almost allways determined by the amount of fear you are able to cause in others.
'these children, these children that come at you with knifes, they are your's, they are you're children' charles manson

1 comment:

Phillip R Goodman said...

phenomenon said...

11:25 AM
Gyrobo said...
Sometimes you gotta scream at kids until your face turns purple just to get through to them.

11:59 AM
unregistered text offender said...
Sometimes you gotta scream at parents until your face turns purple just to get through to them.
07:46 AM