Friday, March 24, 2006

Open for buisness the First Church of Everybody Likes Baloons.

The first laws of balloon worship:

1] everybody likes baloons.

2] liking balloons is one of the constants of the universe.

3] if you don't like balloons then you've got something wrong with you.

4] balloons are perfect.

5] balloons show the fragility of life

6] balloons are like eggs.

7] balloons are like the planet

8] balloons are like the galaxy.

9] balloons are like the universe.

10] balloons are representations of life and creation.

11] nobody can hate a balloon.

12] there is no one and true and only balloon, only balloons.

The first ritual of balloon worship

rub balloon against chest untill enough static electricity has built up for it to stay there, contemplate it untill it of its own achord falls off, do not force it off.

alternatively follow the first step but then put it on the wall and contemplate it untill it of its own achord falls down, once again do not force it off.


Phillip R Goodman said...

that is an interesting question and make no mistake but i feel that it was you're fault and not the balloons however i can imagine how you would be scared to blow up another balloon lest it happen again [after all it could have blocked you're airway and you could have suffocated] and fear can often turn to hatred and it would be understandable hatre also but a balloon is nothing but an object and by suggesting it as a worship object i was not suggesting it had a mind of its own therefor you shouldn't hate it or indeed fear it either.

Anonymous said...

Little Noodle, you rule.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

This is hilarious...

One question..Is it okay to make animals out of them during worship???

Thanks for stopping by... and noticing that I give credit to photographers.

Yeah, my big brother looks pretty snazzy in black.


Phillip R Goodman said...

you make balloon creatures to show the potential for joy and playfullness within each and every creature.
the balloon cat is the highest form of balloon animal and anyone who can make one is as a god on earth.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

you are so nutz....

i luv u....

proverbially speaking.

actually that kinda makes sense though.


Phillip R Goodman said...

hands up who wants a blog dedicated entirely to balloon worship.

Phillip R Goodman said...

biscuit worship?

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

If you can get some great balloon pics... go for it... funny parody.

Phillip R Goodman said...

why do you think its a parody?
whats it parodying?

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I dunno.

Have a paradey...

I wikez paradez... a ballon parade.