Update on my two days of poverty and yes it was poverty cos didn't have any actuall money available to me and yes i know that i still had the two saving accounts and my shares wait a second how do you know about those what are you stalking me or something and in any case those weren't available to me at the time so it was still poverty.
I just found out that my account had gone £21 under £10 meaning that i had an overdraft of £11 that i didn't even know about. I just got a letter sent to me by the halifax [my bank] in which they say that they have "paid the items shown bellow even though this means that you're account is now overdrawn" as if their some sort of heroes under going great hardships just so i can buy my magazines [thats what sent me over my limit] had i known when paying for them that i was going to go overdrawn i would not have done so, i mean come on all it would take is a little message on the cash register saying that "if this transaction is completed then the account represented by this card will go overdrawn" surely that wouldn't be to much of a bother for them to program into the card after all we are now in the days of chip and pin, but then of course that would mean they wouldn't have been able to charge me this massive ammount of interest £20! [ i really need to do an entire post devoted to the possible illegal nature of this way of dealing with overdrafts]
The next day i found out, that in fact my job seekers allowance had not gone in to my account yet and this mean't that i went another £2 overdrawn meaning that i have another charge of £20 to pay meaning that the job centre is bloody well going to pay it for me seeing as its their inaction that caused it to happen in the first place.
So i'll give you an up date on wether i was able to get them to pay it or not.
Friday, March 17, 2006
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I hate it when that happens...
but then I'm over my head in debt...
and trying to swim against the currency.
^,.^ (winking kitty)
i have ten thousand worth of it from uni its better than what most students come away with cos the average is twenty or something around that.
How about 110,000+ ?
thats pretty nasty but look at it this way america runs its self on a deficit that grows by the second and that it can never pay nor will it ever be asked to and its still the richest and most powerful country in the world.
America's deficit is at nine billion and growing someone should set up a web site with counters on it showing each country and how big their debt is and how fast its growing and i guess probably who they owe it to and they should have a countdown to the time when they'll be forced to pay it which wouldn't apply to every country as i said amerca will never be forced to pay it back.
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