Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why don’t the Americans drink tea?

The reason for this is simply that it was something that was associated mostly with their previous oppressors the English and seeing as they wanted to be seen as a new country, they obviously decided to either at a conscious or unconscious level that they would define themselves against the English or rather as different to the English.Interestingly this makes me think of the Jews who acquired many or at least some of the facets of their religion through wishing to define themselves against other religions and cultures one instance of this is that for a number of reasons they are not allowed to have female priests and one of the main reasons for that was that the Egyptians did have them, one suspects also that their non allowance of pork eating may come from the fact that the Egyptians venerated the creature certainly that seems to be what caused them to spill lambs blood on their homes in Egypt [where they were slaves] in order to protect them from the wrath of their lord the lamb you see was also very important to the Egyptians and in fact I believe that the bible even says that they did it with lambs to prove the might of themselves against the gods of Egypt. In any case all this thinking about Jews makes me think of oppression and that brings me back to this “their previous oppressors the English” if you can’t remember who I was talking about it was the Americans. Was America really oppressed by England? Popular opinion says yes, I say no. Americans were allowed to move freely, their representatives [Ben Franklin among others.] were allowed to travel to England to lobby the government for greater independence for the colonies, the thing that pushed them over the edge was the taxation being thrown at America they just didn’t like it and who can blame them.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Most americans would rather frazzle their brains...

or have cast iron stomachs...

or both.

Give me a cup of tea over coffee anyday... but then my grandfather's family were originally cockneys who settled in the hills of arkansas.

Phillip R Goodman said...

what do you over coffee what like you only drink tea if its suspended over a cup of coffe is that it?

Kat said...

I happen to like both coffee and tea. I also have to say NO MILK and NO SUGAR. On cold days, I especailly enjoy a warm cup of tea and often have a cup before bed.

Phillip R Goodman said...

good on you finnally someone who can see sence and maybe even spell it right tea wasn't meant to have milk in it tea with milk in it really is barstardised tea [yes i am slightly obssessed with this]

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

uhmmm okay... I would rather drink tea...I don't like coffee.
But I do eat raw chocolate.
Hope that makes more sense.

I don't put milk in my tea...But that's because I can't have any dairy products!!!
