mundane conspiracy
OK so get this i'm on this course that the job centre has sent me on it is strangly enough called the european computer driving licence [like i'm going to jump on my moniter and take it out for a spin] and i'm moving through the modules quite happily and then suddenly like outta the blue we are informed that our for want of a better word "teacher" is going on holiday for two weeks [golfing in spain] fine we think but as it turns out fine it was and is not he lets call him Mork is the only person at this place who is allowed to mark the tests in fact without him we can't even do them we have to console ourselves by doing the mock exams but as it turns thats a waste of time cos no one can mark them so we don't know what we've got wrong and what we need to improve on and whats more the guy who is temporarily replacing him lets call him moshua is completely inafective you ask him to do somthing for you like print out a mock cos you don't have anything better to do and you're still be waiting hours later whatsmore we have now been informed that they have another group coming in there shortly and that they don't have enough computers for both of us [not that they have enough for just us either] so we'll have to have a day each, its bloody rediculous.......................
and i say its a conspiracy.
Think about it, i rekon they think that if they just make being on this course really hellish then we'll be more likely to just get up get a job and get outta there, thus saving the job centre a lot of money.
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