Flip G
Taurus or Master Taurus or Taurus 3001
The Duke of DaDa
All contents hearin are the copyrighted property of phillip raymond goodman aka phillipgdmn aka unregistered text offender aka UTO, and all names hearin this paragraph are the copyrighted property of said names.
I do not.
Have you heard of anyone named Tony Blair? That's the alias I use when I make major policy decisions for the United Kingdom.
hi rosita bonita chakita banana i'm calling you that from now on or atleast untill i get bored typing such a long name which is pretty much right now this instant.
and gyrobo i knew it was you only a crazy robot could make policy dicisions like that and wait a minute you said major policy dicissions what about when you're making minor ones?
Iz the Duke of DaDa like the Duke of Earl?
There waz a song about the Duke of Earl, but I forgot how it goez.
there's no such thing as the Duke of Earl, as Earl is as well as being a name, also a title confered on someone, i think its a little lower than a Duke.
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