Monday, May 22, 2006

The return of the strange recipes, two of them in fact.

Firstly a brief explanation of my intentions.

  1. These recipes are not jokes.
  2. All recipes put forward here have been tried and tested.
  3. The recipes put forward here are the product of careful thought, not simply combining things randomly.
  4. Previously they have been written in a blow by blow, cook book type style. this is no more from now on they will be written simply and i will allow you to fill in the blanks.

I hope that these number points have cleared somethings up.

Recipe 1

Spinach and Apple juice: Tip, make sure the spinach you are using is quite mulchy as it will have to hold a small amount of liquid.

Recipe 2

Sugar Puff and peanut butter sandwich: Tip, make sure that the layer of peanut butter is for a start put on first and secondly think enough to hold a number of sugar puffs and allso not allow the sugar puff flavour to completely over power the peanut butter flavour.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I have often combined cornflakes and peanut butter in a sandwich.

Is a sugar puff like puffed wheat or puffed rice cereal?

Apple juice is great for cooking meat as well.

So you boil spinach in apple juice?
I would think the spinach would have to be already cooked somewhat, because I have done some cooking with apple juice and the juice acts like tomatoes, keeping the item cooked from softening up. But tomato juice is worse... leaves everything crunchy. So I always cook the potatoes or spinach or meat first, then add tomato or apple juice.


Phillip R Goodman said...

nope i cook it first.
suger puffs are i think made from weat [and suger obviously]

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.