Friday, April 07, 2006

I am growing to dispise mouses without scroller wheels, its just one of those things like when you think that somethings stupid and that you'll never get used to it and then suddenly you don't know how you got by without it and then you really notice it when you don't have it like heated toilet seat or square water melon oh the pain oh the unbareble pain.


Gyrobo said...

That happened to me the other day. I sat down at a computer and tried to scroll the browser window, and my finger touched... nothing. The mouse wasn't a scroll one! And it wasn't even optical. They should stop making non-scroll, non-optical mice.

Phillip R Goodman said...

it is not a case of having or not having to work it is a case of having to do that little extra bit that should be unesesary its not hard work but it is annoying.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

My mom's mouse actually squeeked which was driving her nutz so I got her one of those new mousies that uses a light signal...


"Oh I Luvz ta eat dem mousiez.
Mousiez iz what I luvz ta eat.

I bitez dehr wittle headz off
n nibble on dehr tiny feet."
-Da Kliban Catz.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I'm 990...


Phillip R Goodman said...

wrong, we are giving our independance away for the price of greater ease and comfort. No one is forcing us, no one is taking it, we give it willingly, without even realising what we are doing, but if we refuse to take part in these new technoligies through fear of loosing our independance then we are not being independant atal we are simply slaving our selves to an abstract ideal as apposed to a concrete reality and that is a poorer bargain i think.