Friday, November 17, 2006

Eliminating racism, or "'meddling scientists playing god' tabloid nightmares".

Considering how racially mixed the average white person is, it seems to me that the solution to racism, at the very least racism on the part of white people, is to have DNA tests. If for instance a young English skinhead were to find out that actually he’s…. say…… a quarter Asian then its likely that his sense of racial aggression will at the very least be diluted if not removed completely or more likely ‘almost’ completely. Of course there is quite a large chance that really hardened racists will simply refuse to believe the results of the tests, thinking them perhaps some part of some sort of global Jewish conspiracy. What’s more I suppose some people might suggest that saying to someone that they can’t possibly be a racist as they are themselves so racially mixed, brings about in that persons mind, and the mind of anyone who hears this argument, the idea that it would be perfectly reasonable, and acceptable to be a racist if one were less racially mixed. This would be disastrous. Ultimately I suppose that I am one of those ‘some people’. One should never put one’s faith in magic bullets nor should you keep all you’re eggs in one basket. Racism must be attacked on all fronts. Its logic must be attacked and minimised [for racism does have a sort of logic to it]. Its psychology must attacked and treated. And if there be a genetic component, then that to must be attacked though how I don’t know, I suppose eliminating a gene or two would be the way for that, but it is likely that there would be consequences to that. The other two points are in their way easy enough, but genetics……… genetics are….. murky…. unknown, one never knows quite what might happen if you were to eliminate one gene, another may go haywire, it may take its place, human life as we know it might change…….. and other such ‘meddling scientists playing god tabloid nightmares’.

Stupid, Pointless, Badly told joke. [S.P.B.J]

Those Pakistanis, I tell you they must be terrible Islamaphobes they actually have a place called ‘Islam a bad’ obviously they haven’t quite grasped the finer points of written English as they clearly meant “Islam is bad” but it is after all their second language so one shouldn’t hold it against them.
I suppose I should make a new blog for all of these stupid jokes, as to make them not clutter up the otherwise pristine walls of this here blog……..perhaps another time.