Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Punishment of Strength 1.3

An epic narrative exploration of the effects of egalitarianism on certain individuals living within society.
The Stoic child part 3
Starting point
The unhappy noisy child is rewarded with attention, the happy stoic child is punished by not getting any.

The happy stoic child remains stoic but does not keep his happiness for long, no more than anyone could. Then his stoicism ebbs away replaced by extreme introversion and resentment, he resents his parents and all of his contemporaries regardless of what ever personal pain they may have, he is unable to notice such things and why would he?; as he grows up these feelings grow and deepen he resents not just his parents and contemporaries but society and everyone in it regardless of whatever personal pain any such member may or may not have, he has never noticed such things, and why would he have? The resentment burns ever deeper, his stoicism grows ever weaker, and resentment turns to rage without the temperance of a super ego. He talks to few people and unable to make connections has no outlets, he has little stoicism left but its enough to keep him bottled up.Such people often explode and if you care a jot for the poor beggar’s mental health you’ll pray that this happens sooner rather than later and that he learns quickly to channel his violence against deserving targets. This is from that perspective the best outcome second best is that he develops a taste for violence and employs it whenever angry, worst and most likely of all outcomes is that he never does explode, society is happiest with this outcome, it is least disruptive and produces the particular neurosis that causes the neurotic to become a great cog in the wheel of the economy. It can therefore be seen that it is not within societies best interests to encourage this particular aspect of good parenting.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nine Inch Nails, Year Zero

For the last few days I’ve been listening to Nine Inch Nail’s new album ‘Year Zero’, suffice it to say, it kicks arse harder than a giant mechanical arse kicking machine, and there is much machine about this album. Trent Reznor can be found to be singing in a manner that I cannot say I have heard from him. He is for the most part barely singing at all, not that this is bad thing, the tone of his voice is calm, cold, ultra clipped and quite, quite terrifying no more so than in the moments when it leaps into full roar and full soar. The beats are more harsh and industrial than they’ve ever been before, they are rather Alec Empire(esque), and the ......... slight obviousness of the albums influences doesn’t end there. When I first started listening to the album I found myself thinking that this was a retread (conceptionaly speaking) of Marilyn Manson’s fine, fine album Holywood (in the valley of the shadow of death), but I quickly realized that this was a false impression, however I did find that the album’s seventh track ‘Capitol G’ has a great Marilyn Manson(esque) stomp to it which is surprising, perhaps even pleasantly so. All in all the album is a great sea change for Trent Reznor and co, with Year Zero they seem to have (with the possible exception of the first two tracks) escaped the straight jacket of the Alternative Rock spectrum that they’d placed themselves within during the course of the previous two albums The Fragile, and With Teeth, in exactly the same way that they escaped the straight jacket of Industrial music with those previous two albums, unfortunately this is in the great scheme of things nothing revolutionary, which is the most truely terrifying thing about the album and its biggest sea change.

Still four stars out of five ****.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Problem................

The problem, or at least one of the problems, one of the many problems, that I have with religion, or rather, those who practice it, any of it, all of it, is that they choose a set of beliefs, they choose a way to look at the world, and a way to live their lives, a way to view others and to judge them, and they are proud of these choices and yet at the same time they would have you believe that there was no choice, they would have you believe that they were forced, that there was a gun to their head ............ the gun of god. Isn’t that oh so very convenient all your choices made for you, and a ready excuse for every nasty little opinion you have in your head; none the less, its lie, these were their choices no one else could have made them for them and ultimately life is full of them, life is full of choices, in fact its life is made of them, and when you deny your choices, even if its the just one of them, you deny life itself.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The punishment of strength 1.2

An epic narrative exploration of the effects of egalitarianism on certain individuals living within society.
The Stoic child part 2
Starting point
The unhappy noisy child is rewarded with attention, the happy stoic child is punished by not getting any.
The happy stoic child becomes more and more quite, he regresses into himself and becomes an ego without desire, boundaries without anyone to keep, a cage without a prisoner; Ego becomes permanent super ego, he becomes a robot of society.... in other words, a door mat.
People upon examining this case cannot say for sure whether this condition is caused by nature, or lack of nurture. I would not want to use the term catatonic.

Well anyway....................................................

What do you think of the slightly new blog design, i'm thinking of making the blue brighter, also gotta love these new label thingys there great.................... no really they are................ i'm so not being ironic...... or any thing of the sort.............. you should be ashamed for even thinking such a thing.......... I write what i say and say what I mean.

I like dots . . . . .

Anyway choi mien gratzias

Holy sweet lord god bloody bloody hell

Chriiiiiiiiiiist the trouble i've had logging in today first i put the wrong username in, though i don't realise this and go through a leangthy process getting blogger to recognise my password only then to find horror of horrors that my blogs were no longer there, which of course is because i have just created a new blogger account, but of course i hadn't worked it out yet so you just cannot imagine how i felt so i try to get it back by reinitialising my old blogger accout and thats when i twig onto it................... Jesus was that a mouse i just saw!!
These thoughts and fevered imaginings were brought to you UTO in assosiation with panic and paranoia.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Game for the Enjoyment of All.

Game name:
Random. web

things you need:
1 internet connection or access to one
1 blindfold or other eye blinding such as a cloth
1 dice, or indeed a bowel with 6 bits of numbered paper numbered 1 to 6
1 dictionary
2 players

what you do:
First player roles the dice is then blindfolded and goes ito the dictionary the ammount of times suggested by the roll of the dice in order to pick that ammount of words then the other player has to take those words and turn them into the address of a website if the address turns out to exxist then he if it doesn't then he loses, its just that simple.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The punishment of Strength1.1

An epic narrative examination on the effects of egalitarianism upon certain individuals living in society.

The stoic child part 1

Starting point

The unhappy noisy child is rewarded with attention, the happy stoic child is punished by not getting any.


The happy stoic child learns to be noisy, then he learns to be unhappy, no amount of attention is ever enough.
He never learns that noise does not always promote attention, quite the opposite in fact, in later life people tend to avoid that sort of person. He learns this, eventually, but by this juncture in his life he is simply too old to change. This realization makes him unhappy and his unhappiness makes him weak, and he loses the remnants of his stoicism. He now never expects anything he does to elicit any response from the world and with the loss of his thick skin this hurts him terribly. He is constantly shaking his head and hanging it in shame. He is the sad little man on the bus, you won’t recognize him, you never even notice him.
This story does not end happily he commits ego death and contrary to the Buddhist view on such things it brings him no happiness, it merely makes suicide more easy a task.
Ego is the bastard in the suite, it holds the whip that disciplines the angry ugly monstrous id. Ego is pride, and pride is the light that you drag yourself towards, ego is the power that drives you out of the pit, without it you would be lost but he was lost long before he cast such things out.
All hurt has its start in childhood. I blame the parents.