Monday, February 27, 2006

now what i'm going to do now is put all the comments from my old blog onto their coresponding posts on this one so if you said anything really embarassing on there and don't want it seen on here then speak now or for ever hold you're piece.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

My conquest for world domination:
Chapter 1

We stand for….

1] The removal of all age restrictions.

2] The legalisation of all contraband plants and pharmaceuticals.

3] The dissolution and re-absorption of the military into the police force.

4] The repeal of all, and any blasphemy laws.

5] The strict taxation of all churches, temples, and other centres of worship.

6] freedom of expression.

7] Mandatory IQ tests for all public officials.

8] Regular referendums.

9] The separation of “church” and state.

10] The dissolution and re-absorption of the monarchy, into the tourist industry.
For the last two weeks i have been on a training course from the job centre i'll tell you all about it later, once i've goten over it, but one thing they got us to do was write up and send out what they refered to as spec letters ie speculative letters written in such a way as makes it easy to change them to suit different companys and or jobs without having to write an intirely new one and sent out to companys to enquire as to weather they have any positions available, and actually i think its a really good idea but god mine is really suck arse, judge for you're self.

Dear Sir/madam

I am writing to inquire if you’re company has any general retail/gallery work available as I have held a long term interest in this field and have an enthusiasm to learn more about its associated skills and practices.
I feel that I would be well suited to a job in this area as shown on my C.V. I have a long history of study in the fine art / art and design arena and through this have developed the strong organisational skills, can do attitude, and the self-confidence needed to perform the applicable duties to a very high standard, and be a real credit to you’re organisation.
I am looking forward to hearing back from you as I have a particular respect for you’re company’s area of expertise, and would very much like the opportunity to discuss things further with you.

Yours faithfully

Phillip R Goodman.
Likes. Dislikes.

I like:

1]Cheese, 2]pizza, 3]peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, 4]red wine, 5]cider, 6]bourbon, 7]incense, 8]custard, 9]expensive french lager, 10]bitter, 11]black tea, 12]black coffee, 13]breakfast cereal, 14]snow, 15]rum, 16]heavy music, 17]lying in, 18]sour cream and onion flavoured Pringles, 19]pistachio nuts, 20]fruit juice, 21] any and all sharp objects, 22]snooker, 23]pool, 24]darts, 25]pubs, 26]balloons, 27]books and book stores, 28]independent record shops, 29]malls, 30]guitars, 31]keyboards with lots of knobs and sliding things on them, 32]Venice, 33]Norway, 34]London, 35]dark corners and back streets, 36]Hunter S Thompson, 37]masks, 38]pinball, 39]zombie movies, 40]comic books.

I dislike:

1]Family pubs, 2]ale, 3]people who have draining boards but complain when anyone uses them, 4]crowded streets, 5]people who leave piles of washing up in the sink, 6]people who think comic books are a lesser form of literature, 7]people who refuse to accept that comic books are literature, 8]people who think that key chains look threatening, 9]the ban on hoodies, 10]the next big thing, 11]the phrase “because I say so”, 12]people who tell you not to wear something because they think it looks silly, 13]people who complain about something without having seen it, 14]people who say “how can you say that!?!”, 15]stupidity, 16]hypocrisy, 17]health and safety forms, 18]people who say “ turn off that racket” only to then go downstairs and listen to Elvis, 19]people who say that Klingon and Elvish aren’t real languages because they are made up, 20]people who say something isn’t a real word because you just made it up, 21]people who go to other countries and just expect the locals to speak their language, 22]tourists, 23]people who call terrorists cowardly as if they would prefer it if they were brave, 24]the way America looks down on Canada when clearly it should be the other way around, 25]people who go to see a band play and then only want to hear their big hits, 26] telly evangelists, 27] people who give money to telly evangelists, 28]people who say believe when they mean agree.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Heres a good headline for a blog post

"Outrage at outage"

don't know what to rwrite about it thou.
wierd huh!?!

OK i receive a txt msg [thats text message for those not aquainted with such things] and i read it and look at the time its marked as sent as, lets say it says 03:40 then i exit that part of the phone and i look at the time on the phone and its says its 03:38. time travel. wierd huh!?!
Did you know that if you were to leave a packet of peanuts around for loung enouth that they started to go rotten then if there were enough of them and they were sufficiantly compressed they would become explosive and did you know that several ships have been sunk by this did you know allso that the peanut isn't even a nut, its a type of pea.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sidebar story [yes that is antirely pathetic pun on west side story and most of it is probably misspelled as well but their you go life is life]

This was the first time that i had problems with my side ie it dissapearing and i attempted to rectify it by copying the sidebar code from one of my other blogs into this one [ blog from the bog , not the replacement blog] this however had no effect whatsoever and eventually blogger sorted it out but they didn't remove the code i'd pasted in and so i was left with two side bars having said that however when i tryed to remove it myself i couldn't find the extra code, it was no where to be seen. Wierd huh.

Wierd huh will i think become a regular adition to this blog.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well that brings us to where we came in. Now what i'll be doing is for a start putting all of the original dates on the posts just for the hell of it and updating them some of which the keen eyed and long term reader will notice that i've allready done and clear up some lose strings that i left hanging in my previous blog like why did i have two side bars at one point and indeed why latter on did i have none atall all this and more will be posted on here latter but not now as i need to go to the toilet.
i've been having so many problems with this site what with the sidebar going off and everything that i've just decided to make a new site and transfer everything to there and then just post all new things onto the new one which is called approprietly enough the replacement blog and is situated approprietly enough at
i hope this doesn't cause to much trouble for anyone.
by all means pick my brain at
Fact of the day or considering that i probably won't be able to think of another one tommorow fact of the week or even the month, well hopefully not the month i think i should be able to think of another one quicker than that, well in any case ............................ now where was i. oh yes facts.
Did you know that calcium the thing that you're bones and teeth are made out of is actually a metal. Wierd huh.
i've just done a yahoo search for the name of fellow blogger scott wicker [without permision but with respect] his blog is called swickers world i found two entrys that were quite prevailent one is someone who wrote several episodes of TV's "Cagney and Lacey" and another for an American footballer of the same name [i'm assuming that he isn't one or both of these people but i could be wrong] interestingly the second most prevailent site for my name was involving another american footballer called phillip goodman which obviously is my name also. although you may not know that because my sidebare containing my profile disapearing from my site for some reason.
i just did a search for my name phillip goodman and the strangest and most prevailent answer i got was this guy with my name who is some sort of apocalyptic end time preacher or something wierd or what.
you should all do the same thing and post the strangest results on you'rre blogs if you have them.
i put all of these lovely blog polls up and only one person actually answers them. Pah! i repeat pah!

this is of coarse out of date as the polls that it refers are not i think going to be transfered onto here as they where i think what caused all the problems that forced me to make this replacement blog in the first place non the less it serves as an interesting if a bit pointless historical document and even if you don't think its interesting its definetly short and lets face it no ones forcing you to read it or maybe they are perhaps you're being held at gun point allthough i can't see why anyone would take the trouble to hold you at gun point only to then force you to read someones blog but then perhaps he or she [equal opportunities] is illiterate and needs to get someone else to read fo them only their embarassed about it and so they are forcing someone to do it at gun point instead and i just want you to know that you shouldn't be embarassed its a very common problem affecting many many people not my self of course i'm not stupid but non the less you are not on you're own i mean at the very least you've got you're hostage, lets face it you should really be thinking about what you're demands are going to be instead of reading my blog but it takes allsorts i suppose.
how to live a happier, longer, better looking life.

simply start drinking hard liquers such as wiskey or gin and never stop. This for a start garantees no hangovers and also means that before long you have pickled you're entire body thus preserving you're youthfull good looks [or at very least you're looks] , if you don't believe me just take a look at lemmy from heavy metal legends Motorhead he's been following this program for the last thirty or so years or so and he hasn't changed at all with the exception of those two warts.

p.s. this was a post that was lost recently for some reason, those who were lucky enough to see the original probably think its better than this new one, or maybe you don't?
please post some comments cos i think i'm having blogger withdrawl symptoms.
cooooooooooooolits still there.
okey dokey hear goes nothing
lets just see if i can post without my
previous post being deleted
if it does get deleted i'll just post it back in,
in which case you won't be reading this
cos that action would have deleted it as well
a bit complicated i know
but heeeereee goooes nnnoooothinng.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I plan for this blog to be fully put over to gauging public opinion on a variety of issues, in order to make this work better i would like to install some team members, all that i am asking is that you write a brief essay about some thing that concerns you and then post a blog poll about it, what would be great is if i could get many people with differing views on the world and differing ideoligies so that things will be presented as fully as possible allso on my other blog i am interested into turning this into a proper art and or political and or philosophical movement and so i would need team members for that allso, just have a look at it and contact me if you're interested in signing up
i think that from now on i will only comunicate with you through posting polls as i have thoughts but currently no inspiration to write them down and many questions and every inspiration to ask them.
I write this while sitting at a computer in my local libary as the chinese new year has just come through it no doubt cleansing us all of bad thoughts and negative karma, however it has little bearing on what i am about to write.

Freedom is not free.

The price of freedom is not as some people would have us think eternal vigilance.The price of eternal freedom is having to put up with the way in which some people choose to use theirs, it is having to accept the idea that just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you have the right to stop it going on. ultimetely the only vigilance we must have is against those who would curtail our freedoms and the freedoms of our freinds and enemys alike the freedom of strangers also we must fight to protect those freedoms be they assaulted by foriean powers or those of our goverments and especially by our bigotrys be they little or big.
hi here some imfomation about a show that i'm doing if you're in london,england around the times mentioned come and have a look.

title:playfulness in the jaws of death.


Tuesday 28th feb Wednesday 1 and setting up days Thursday 2nd march private view 6:00 to 10:00 3rd 4th 5th march public viewing 10:00am to 6:00pm 6th march taking down day


Phillip R Goodman: Curator and organiser, all round artist and musician currently working through “ultra-primitivist” model making, and instillation art.

Vernon Morrison: co-organiser, painter and sculptor working through themes of politics religion culture and identity with strong classical archetypes.

Shane Noonan: works with spray paint and stencils to create delicate multi-layered images.
Celyn Sian Cooke: Works through sculpture, model making, photography, and film both live action and stop motion in order to explore ideas of childhood and desire through fantastical imagery.

Leon Hendry: Working with surrealism, dada, post expressionism, and abstract expressionism in order to explore secretive personal narratives.

Jo Nicholson: Explores autobiographical ideas through film making, photography, sculpture, model making, and modified fashion items.Plus extra special last minute guests.

Warning, the descriptions in this, may not coincide with the opinions of those they describe.

its in the crypt at st pancras church the nearest tube station is Euston and you get into the crypt through dukes road or street .
children from the earliest age have this idea of respect shoved down their throats you must respect you're parents you must respect you're elders you must respect you're teachers you must respect the same people that you're parents and elders respect you must respect you're preachers why must you respect them 'well their you're parents you've got to respect you're parents' and at the end of all this respect who gives any respect to the children? no oneis it any wonder that as teenagers they go out and try to prove themselves by commiting crimes be they crimes of theft or crimes of violence society has never given them the benifit of the doubt why then should they not give the same lack of respect to society. ultimitly this is nothing new people have allways commited acts of violence in order to gain respect there was in fact a time not that long ago when a man only gained respect if he went to war in the name of his country, his leader, and his god nothing is different now the only difference is that now they fight for matirial posesions without covering their actions up with high minded ideals. at the end of the day the ammount of respect you get is almost allways determined by the amount of fear you are able to cause in others.
'these children, these children that come at you with knifes, they are your's, they are you're children' charles manson
how to stop people smoking.

stage 1 get a job as one of those people that re-stocks vending machines.
stage 2 make sure the company that you work for deals with ciggerete machines if it doesn't then change jobs really you should of done this in the first stage stupid.
stage 3 when restocking machines insert a few dud packets which would either be empty or would contain some thing that would show the smoker how good life could be without those cancer sticks.
if found out where tony blair mask while in court or if you're not english then some other politician who doesn't like smoking.
the wisdom of pete burns

no doubt after celebrity big brother finishes there will be many cheap cash in books of this nature being brought out so i'm cashing in early and copyrighting the idea"you can take a horse to waterbut you can't make her drinkyou can take a whore to culturebut you can't make her think"
A devils dictionary.

Peace = death
Harmony = war
Life = strife
Love = lust + sentimentality
Freedom = happiness in slavery
Good = something you like
Bad = something you don’t like
Evil = something you really don’t like
Enough = more than you have now
Religion = collective delusion
Wrong = a quality arising in a person who does not agree with you
Right = a quality arising in a person who does agree with you
Liar = see wrong
Deviant, freak, weirdo = not like yourself
Glutton = someone who enjoys their food
Sin = the pursuit of pleasure
Holy = quality arising from having holes in your head
Property = something that you can prevent others from taking from you
Human rights = human fights
Respect = fear
Dirt = unwanted earth
Weeds = unwanted plants
Theft = attempting to take what you have decided is yours
Virtue = exotic arrogance

For Ambrose Bierce a brilliant devil.
“Abatis, n. Rubbish in front of a fort, to prevent the rubbish outside from molest-ing the rubbish inside”
This is not some sort of indication that I am attempting to keep people away, its just my favourite quote of his.
If I were king.

Lets wake up and smell the burning oil fields here, the Iraqis have their own government, they have their own police force, and I believe they have their own army now, the democratic process is moving full steam ahead over there, so why the hell are we still in Iraq, I’m not saying that they don’t still have problems over there but at some point we have to leave them alone to deal with those problems themselves. If I was suddenly by some miracle swept into office tomorrow here’s what I’d do firstly I’d start a gradual pull out that would allow our troops to be back home by the end of the year. Secondly while we’re still there, I’d make it so, instead of using our troops to police the streets, I’d concentrate our efforts, purely on training the Iraqis, this would be done in small heavily fortified military bases so as to make sure no one intervenes in the training process. All of this would be done unilaterally, certainly the world would be informed of the situation and we would of course try to convince those involved to do the same just as they would try to convince us not to go through with it probably both of these aims would fail.

More to come in my campaign for world leadership.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sexist swearing?
Firstly a list of swear words relating to the genitalia of both males and females:Cunt, prat, twat, dick, shmuck, dork [the genitalia of a whale is called a dork and is used by humans as an insult much along the lines of nerd or geek].The first free of these reference the female the latter two reference the male.Considering that cunt is considered by most people as being the most offensive swear and that the two swears referencing the male genitalia are considered by most people as being very minor ones what does this tell us about the nature of the English language?For a start, we have to ask ourselves can language itself be considered sexist? I believe it can’t, only its user or creator can be said to hold any qualities at all. However it can be said to have a basically male or patriarchal nature.Now that this is known and proven, must we now rehabilitate the language? I believe not for a start it is in my humble opinion an impossible thing to do, secondly it is unwarranted, language is by its very nature a fluid thing that evolves slowly over the years and one cannot force change. It is slightly worrying though. Having said that I have to say if I were referred to as a “gaping slimy hole” by one person and an “ugly wrinkled helmeted thing” by another then I suspect I’d be more insulted by the first remark than the second.
America's major cultural gifts to the world seem to be:
in no particular order.
south park
the simpsons
peanut butter and jelly
telly evangalism
and the internet on which i write this very blog, now thats not to bad i think.
other things they are famous for such as slavery and cultural imperialism were learn't and learn't very well in fact from other countrys like england for instance.
however i left one thing out of the list, America is responsible for the biggist and bloodyest terrorist attack in the history of man kind [yes thats right bigger than 9/11] America has given to the world one of the most terible concepts ever invented, nuclear war, nuclear holocaust, megadeath [a million deaths all in one go]the bombs thrown onto hirroshima and nagasaki, the destruction, the death, the desiese proliferated for generations by the radiation which they claimed to not know about but in fact did, the biggest action of mass murder ever perpetrated.
unemployment, poverty, hunger, and homelessness are some of the biggist problems facing the world particulaly the third world whats the solution to dissolve these problems [big drum roll please] bring back this is not a sick joke.being a slave in the first world is surely better than living in third world poverty under corrupt and tyranical goverments that do nothing to help their own people and sabatage the rest of the world efforts [comparitively small ones at that] to help them.we allready poach their docters and nurses in a way this is just a step further than that but i think its step in the right direction.just because you own a slave doesn't mean that there would not be rules governing how you can treat them just because you're a slave doesn't mean you would have no rights [remember in the third world no one but the goverment and its melitias have any rights at all].sorry i'm not being as concise as i would like, but the message stands, just the same.
allso [again the same day as well oh well]
smart arse and dumb arse are both insults.but you can say none like a smart arse but not no one likes a dumb arse this is presumebly because everyone like a dumb arse as they make themselves look more inteligent in comparisism.
another recipe.

pee nut butter, cream cheese, and jam [or jelly as you yanks like to call it] put it on a piece of margerined bread and eat it, allways put the pee nut butter on the bottom and when putting on the cheese and jam mix them together so that most of the pee nut butter stays on the bottom and so that the cheese and jam don't meld together so much that they you can't tell them apart just enougth so that you can see the jam as swaves going through the creem cheese. very good on toast.
Anti- semetism, has for the most part throughout the centuries been pervaded by the christians, the interesting thing about this is that christianity is by definition a semetic relegion, in that it grew out of jewdaism and was started in israel, interestingly jewdaism another semetic, religion was started not in israel but in iraq, islam is the third of the major semetic religions [there are other smaller ones] and was started in [i think] saudi arabia, all of these are semetic relegions and they are all at each others throats, funny that.Anti-semetism is ussually used to mean anti jewish meaning against the jewish race, the only problem is that the jewish race does not excist i repeat the jews are not a race they are a cultural and relegious group just like all the other semites, this means that it is perfectly possible for a jew to be anti-semetic it means that when a jew speaks out against an arab simply because the arab lives in israel and calls himself a palistinian he or she is being anti-semitetic, funny that.I won't say any more than that for now i'll let you put the numbers together you're self but perhaps if this became well known and excepted as truth then perhaps it would kick start the peace process in that troubled land and bring in an era of peace and understanding between these various different religions, i do have to admit however that its rather unlikely, what is more likely is that i'll get called an anti-semite and then no one else will touch it with a ten foot barge poll for fear of the same but remember this censorship is reprehensible.
I told you i'd return to this subject didn't think it would be so soon but i guess i'm just in a jewy kinda mood.
allso i appear to have two post lists i have some idea of how that happened but thats a story for another time.
pre- emtive strike causing people to rethink their reactions and act like they would never think that and that i had gotten it completely wrong.I'm not a racisthowever i am a jew so i may well do more posts about that and they won't be entirely positive
the interesting thing about the jews is that they have this strong tendicy towards atheism and agnostacism it is as if they have had the religion percecuted out of them if only this could have happened to more religions apparently a few thousands years of persecusion does you the world of good and in fact gets you to see the world as it is not as you would like it to be if the world is as you want it to be and you're still getting persecuted you've got to ask you're self some questions.the reason why i think this would be a good idea is that religion perticulaly monotheistic religion seems to have a negative influence over people on one hand it bolsters them and makes them feel secure and anafraid of the world which is probably a good thing but on the other hand it seems to make them do things that are really horible and sertainly immoral i allways think if all of the folowers of the three main religions thats jewdaism christianity and islam were forced to do everything that there holy books tell them to then for astart most of their folowers would leave the religion straight away and secondly the remaining followers would after causing much murder and mayhem been thrown in jail or executed and their faiths would be outlawed.
‘Stop it, or else God will destroy the world. Stop swearing,stop picking you’re noses, stop wearing odd socks, stop looking atnaked animals, we must make woollen trousers and jackets for allof Gods animals, we should have done that a long time ago, stoptelling jokes, especially knock- knock jokes, stop using microwaveson Sunday, its obscene, stop eating with you’re fingers, I mean it,stop belching, stop farting, stop lying and jumping the lights, bringback capital punishment and public flogging, stop having sex orthinking about sex, stop being slovenly, stop drinking all alcoholicbeverages, in fact stop drinking anything except carrot juice.The date is set. The end of the world is coming. Repent!’

this is taken from a book that i'm reading at the moment called Scepticism inc by someone with the strange name of Bo Fowler.
put it on you're reading list.
Censorship sucks

bet alot of you agree with me on that one i bet allso that alot of you have deleted a comment from you're blog or have enabled the facility that alows you to check any comment beforehand and give it permision to go on you're blog, this is censorship plain and simple, it is theft, it is the proccess of taking words out of someones mouth, and throwing them in the bin. I mean come on what is it that you are so affraid of perhaps that someone may post something on you're blog that is illegal i suppose that that is perfectly logical except for the fact that you much like any of the of the major cable news networks that have regular phone/txt ins simply place on you're blog a disclaimer reading something like this"the operater of this blog is not to be held responsible for any of the information or material that is posted in the comment sections of said blog, furthermore the operator is not liable for prosecution if any of the said material and or opinions is found to be illegal"I was thinking of putting a similar sort of disclaimer on my blog only mine would read" the author of this blog takes full responsibility for any and all offence/mind expansion caused by said blog however the author is not to be held acountable for any comments posted nor action taken as a result of said offence/mind expansion, furthermore the author is not to be made liable for prosecution as a result of the actions and or comments of said expanded/offended minds and their opperators"you may however want to have a lawer take a look at that, and i will not be held accountable for any fees charged by said lawer.
British Blog Directory
time for another recipe me thinks

get a sweet patatoe put them in the microwave for a few minutes then take them out wait for them to cool of and peel them then slice them up and bake them in oil for three hours then get two pieces of bread and spread marge on them then spread chopped liver on them then take the sweet patatoes out [they should be done by now] and put a good layer of them on the chopped liver then spread some mayonaise onto them place pieces of bread together and eat.
the simpsons and racism update

in my previous post on this i got a few things wrong the simpsons actually has 3 major black characters and 3 more minor ones however as i said none have ever been major players in a story line and really they could better be described as reacering characters if you disagree with me then heres the list and if you don't disagree with me then heres the listlenny/carl i can never remember which one is whatblack policeman can't remember his nameDr hibbertand his wifelisa black friendbarts black class mateactually there is one black cast member who has had story lines in which he is a major player and perhaps even the main focus bleeding gums murthy but they killed him offanother point against the show is that one of their many many white characters mr smithers in this case used to be black but was changed also the colour of the background players used to be more racialy mixed but as they started to give more deffinition to those miner characters more and more of them became white and less and less of them stayed black.
put it into you're dictionary

"Kidding on the square" meaning to joke but at the same time be serious, much like the phrase "many a true word is said in jest" though not quite the same serious not being the same thing as true.
some racial statistics

an african american man is more likely to have spent time in prison than in The Simpsons there are only two major black characters [i'm not saying african american again it takes to much tim oh whoops i just did well never again] and neither has ever had a story line based around Friends there has only ever been one major black the Fresh Prince of Bellair [or however you spell it] there are no major white characters and no characters of other races at all.
been watching celebrity big brother recently and for the first time they've put a politician in there with the other C listers and no listers and it struck me that this is something that we should do to all politicians just before they come up for re election because even if their only in for a week you still get to put them under a microscope for 148 hours and that means that you can anilise them their character and policies in a way that would never ussually be allowed.
2 new recipes

Get some grated carrot and some chopped spinach, put the carrot to one side and boil the spinach, once finished [shouldn't take long] drain it abit and put some garlick and butter sauce on it [is that actually a sauce i don't know] and allow to soak in for some time, then toast two peices of bread spread margerine on them, then put the spinach on one piece and the carrot on the other put a bit of mayonaise on both and place together.warning eating of sandwich may cause liquid to drip out.this ones very basic you just get some hard cheese and grill on a piece of bread with some cream cheese wait until in is very melted so the two cheeses have mixed together a bit and the eat it remembering to turn the grill off and take sandwich out of it before hand.

Monday, February 13, 2006

a conspiracy in ilford
perhaps most of you don't live in ilford or anywhere near there probably most of you havn't even heard of it so for the benifit of clarity it is a place in england just out side of london and i live near this place theres a mall just outside the mall is a cash machine or a.t.m as some would prefer and this atm almost never works or else is out of money nothing strange there you mite think after all it is just outside the mall obviously a lot of people use it now thats true but what is also true is that just inside the mall there is another cash machine and between this cash machine and the afformensioned one there are two key differences1 the second cash machine is rarely out of cash2 it charges you to take it outif you don't want to be charged then you can walk to the first one its not that far away and if you're very lucky you mite be able to use it but if you're not then you'll just have to walk to the next one which is considerably further away thus you probably end up using the second one and just put up with being charged AND I SAY ITS A CONSPIRACY!paranoid you say? perhaps that what they want you to think.
the funiest quotes i recently saw

"There is on earth among all dangers no more dangerous thing than a richly endowed and adroit reason, especially if she enters into spiritual matters which concern the soul and God. For it is more possible to teach an ass to read than to blind such a reason and lead it right; for reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed." "Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees it must put out of sight, and wish to know nothing but the word of God. "
Martin Luther

"Martin Luther dreamed up Protestantism while on the toilet and we all know a big movement that turned out to be"
Anton La Vey
my very own cooking show part 2
this is another cheese based dishit also involves bread [or similar substance] margerine [not butter never butter] smoked salmon and a grilling process i suppose you can work out the rest but if you can't then:spread marge on to bread put about two layers of salmon onto it or if the salmon is very thick then just use the one then put a layer or two of cheese ont that make sure that the cheese has a strong enough flavour so that it isn't entirely submerged by the salmon but not strong enough that the roles are reversed, then grill untill some of the colour has drained out of the salmon and it is a lighter shade of pink.
Blog about drugs imformation hot line called frank
if you want to know about drugs don't call frank, frank won't be frank with you, he or whoever it is on the other side of the line will bend the truth, twist the truth, and break the truth, he will lie exagerate, and misinform, he will do anything it take to stop you from taking drugs or get you to stop he will not give you both sides of the argument he will tell you scare stories he will bring in unsubstatiated speculation and use it as hard evidence. take the example of one of their adverts a boy is sitting on a buss he is told by two friends that they are getting some pills for the weekend and would he also like some no preasure is put on him but suddenly he is in some sort of gameshow where a lot of preasure is put towards him saying no then the slogan comes up and says [drum roll please and booming trumpets thank you] being put under preasure to do drugs talk to frank. the slogan demonises peer presure but the advert itself glorifys it simply because it is being used for a different end, and what sort of crazy mixed up and intoxicated message is that sending out.
p.s. i have in fact never spoken to frank however i find it hard to believe that it would give you a fair view on its subject.
My very own cooking show
[well everyone has one now why shouldn't I]
Take piece of bread like substance, spread margerine on it not butter, put cheese on it, put some blobs of choclate spread on it, lightly sprinkle ground pepper over it making sure to get it on the choclate, finally grill it untill cheese is melted and choclate spread has gone crispy but only on the surface make sure it doesn't dry out, if you think its drying out and the cheese is not correctly melted yet [this is unlikely] then you could put more margerine on it but use it sparingly you don't wany it overly greasy as this will make it go soggy
[more to come]
for all those concernedor if you are not concerned at least if you have eyes to seeunregistered comments are now enabled for all of you too lazy to register, and also for those that just don't want me knowing who you arethis is for you.
Tourretes drivers.
If you have a desiese that causes you to make involentary movements then i suspect that you shouldn't be able to drive, supposing you stop at the lights to let someone cross and just as the person does so you're foot smacks down on the excelerator, the chances are it wouldn't be on there long enough for you to actually mow the person down as it were but still you would probably nock the person over, now supposing the person is an 85 year old man and when he falls he cracks his hip and has to be opperated on supposing he loses a lot of blood and dies on the opperating all this is probably quite unlikely to happen but i suspect that it bears thinking about, for instance what guidelines are there on how one would prosecute such a case after all the person died as a result of injurys sustained when a car hit him.I remember the last time i posted something similar to this in a chat room one person said that I personally make her life very difficult, or miserable or something along those lines.
I find that I often talk on here as if I were talkiing to an audience, but i don't know anything about you there seems to be something like five of you, I seem to usually get five or so a day and i'm asuming that its the same five then again maybe not so roll up roll up and tell me something about you're self.go on I get so lonely without any comments.
hi everybody who wants to employ me

Curriculum Vitae.
PHILLIP R. GOODMAN(d.o.b. 28th April 1984)
Education:1995 – 2000High School
GCSE’s:ArtScience (Double award) English Language Media Maths Graphics
Religious Studies French
2000 – 2002 Waltham Forest College
GNVQ Art and Design
2002 – 2005 Middlesex UniversityBA (Hons) Fine Arts
Exhibitions 2002
Under the arches [autumn 2002] Exhibitor, co-organiser.
Irregular space [winter 2002] Exhibitor, co-organiser.
Exhibitions 2003
1st year photography exhibition [spring 2003] Exhibitor.
End of year show [summer 2003] Exhibitor.
Exhibitions 2004
Art on the 13th floor [autumn 2004] Exhibitor, co-organiser, publicist.
Exhibitions 2005
Mdx degree show [summer 2005] Exhibitor, catalogue co-designer.
Queens wood hunt [autumn 2005] Exhibitor, marketing.
Other interests.
Art: Painting. Photography. Sculpture. Digital. Conceptual. Exhibitions.
Music: Playing guitar. Playing keyboards. Listening to it, mainly Rock.
Reading: The occult. Politics. Philosophy. The sciences. Poetry.
Writing: Poetry. Essays. Short stories.
Sport: Snooker. Pool. Darts. Golf.
now that we are a seven years into this decade [the twenty hundreds not the zeros] it is clear what it will be remembered for, the flight from the present and the flight from reality.nostalga shows, often talking about the events of only a few years ago as if it was ancient history, another world entirely differentto ours, and the prepakaged and artificial reality of stylised documenterys such super size me and the entire michael moore cannon and reality shows such as big brother celebrating totalitarianism. is the modern world so scary a place that we have to do this, well perhaps and what of it is this escapism so bad? no, only if you are as intent on living as i am [very] because we are becoming more and more complacent, we are taking our eye of the ball, anything could happen, most vote only on big brother, they don't care who gets in, goerge w bush stole an ellection and got away with it because of this complacency next time it might be big brother himself. this is going to be remembered as the decade in which we let the earth die or let it live. big things are a foot, we have three years left of this decade and the choice is your's.
Village life:
The oil crisis.

Supposing wind energy never takes off, and supposing the future isn’t bright enough for solar, supposing hydrogen fuel cells are just a lot of hot air, what does that leave us with; coal? That also will one day run out, tidal? What of all the countries that don’t have coast lines.So, what’s the solution, nuclear perhaps? No by having a massive amount of that sort of power station built in such a short space of time would mean that the chances of having some sort disaster would be statistically improved to such a degree that it would just be to dangerous to risk it.So supposing you lived in a village where everything you could ever possibly want was well within walking distance, a cinema, a beauty salon, a bowling alley, a whole host of night-clubs and other such venues where any possible taste in music would be catered for supposing you don’t like the company perhaps there aren’t enough or maybe non at all that share you’re taste in music simply take a personality test and you’ll be given a list of other villages where you would be most likely to be happy. Would this be so bad, it would solve the oil crisis by making the car an almost unused item and would at the same time solve the obesity crisis by the same method.In any case, all of this is supposition, I don’t believe that the alternative energies will fail, but it is something that we should all think about non the less.P.S. see if you can work out which of the alternative energy sources I left out.
The true meaning of X-mass

The term x-mass started out simply as a way of saying Christmas without offending non Christians [and therefore losing their custom] by way of making reference to Jesus Christ, but looking at the holiday season as it stands today [and indeed the fictional war that is currently raging through it] I feel that it should take on a new meaning.
X-mass = A way of describing the conglomerate of various different religious ideas and institutions that come together in this winter season more so than they come together at any other time in the year, alternative title X-mess.
Religismass = [pronounced relidge is um mass] The festival dedicated to the coming together of various different religions in the similarity of their practices.
Winterville = As describing the celebration of the season.
Capitalmass = As describing the celebration of money, mass commercialism, and gift giving and taking.
Sinmass = As describing the seasonal practices that go contrary to the practices and beliefs of those who celebrate Religismass i.e. the celebration of greed, sloth, gluttony, avarice, lust and other such sins.
Santa Claus = Patron deity of Capitalmass and Sinmass employee of the coca cola company chief deity of the season as a whole.
Frosty the snowman = Patron deity of Winterville
Jesus = Old style Christian deity patron of Religismass.
sugestions for alternative names or concept are welcomed.
hididly hoapologies for the brief absence, we all need a break once in a while, but i've got some real nuggets for you're enjoyment and for the first time [for this blog but not my other one] in this blog that my posts have been created before hand as apossed to inputing them straight onto blogspot so perhaps more thought has gone into them i don't however know if this makes them better or not you be the judge.
Here are some links to my other blogs.
the funniest quote i've seen recently is this"If I say the cat is on the mat but behave asif the cat is not on the mat, or as if there is no cat, I am not a hyporcrite but a lier, a joker, or perhaps I have a very bad memory, or some other cognitive dysfunction"its taken from a book called "the simpsons and philosophy".
Mind Body, Spirit.

On the matter of of spirit or rather the spiritual life
1 you have the right to follow what ever path you see fit regardless of how bizzare or offencive others may or may not find it.

2 you have the right to take offence at others spiritual or otherwise practices just as they have a right to take offence at you'res.

3 allthough you can take offence you can not do anything about it, they have the same rights as you.

4 if you do anything to stop them [the people who offend you] from following their beliefs or speaking their mind about you'res then you should be prevented from following or speaking you'res [beliefs and mind respectively]

5 if you break such an order you should be thrown in jail.

On the matter of you're body

1 you have the right to do to you're body as you please, you have the right to modify it, to poison it, to harm it and even to destroy as long as you do not harm anybody elses in the process.

2 nobody has the right to prevent you from doing these things.

3 if anybody attempts either by words or action to prevent you from doing to you're body as you please then whatever they prevented you from doing to you'res they should have done to theirs , if they continue then they should have theirs [their body] removed.

On the matter of mind

1 you do not have a mind you are the mind.

2 you have the right to express you're self any way you choose as long as it does not prevent others from doing the same.

3 no one has the right to stop you from expressing you're self if they do so attemt, then they should have whatever part of the brain that alows them to express themselves removed.
I was lying in bed last night [allthough some would consider it morning] listening in utter anoyance to all the little sounds that houses make the plip plops the gurglings the clicks and clunks and so on and so forth and i realised just how much i crave scilence total utter and complete scilence. It is strange to think that it used to be the other way about, i would as a child sleep over at freinds houses and would often find that i could not get to sleep because there were no trains going past, perhaps this was just a perfectly normal craving for the things that you are used to common to most children in the feelings of home sickness but perhaps not perhaps it is about having a fear of you're own thoughts of being left on you're own with them and nothing to distract you from them and perhaps my anoyance last night is proof that i have got over this weakness [or indeed weaknesses the two theorys i have just put forward are not after all mutually exlusive] but in any case what is beyond doubt i think is that i know for whatever reason crave scilence i either want sounds to exist in the forground or not atall.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Drinking advice.

If you think you're going to drink a large ammount of wine especialy if it will be done within a short space of time or indeed on an empty stomach a good way to combat this is to drink one bottle of beer before you start drinking the wine as this will cushion you're system do not however drink more than one bottle as anymore will ruin the flavour of the wine for you also do not drink any beer after the wine oi don't know why this but this will make you ill."beer and wine and you'll be fine but wine and beer and oh dear" as told to me by drunken friend.
If you have no use for something then give it to someone else, if you have a use for it then keep it you're self.This means that if you have no use for something if you don't want to use it if you can't use or won't use or will not use it then give it way but if you have any intention of ever using it for anything atal then keep it.This does not mean that their is allways someone worse of than you and that therefore it is greedy to keep anything that you're not using even if there is a good chance that you will use it in the future. If one were to hold fast to this concept then one might as well give away all of you're possesions because "theres allways someone who needs them more than you" the only problem with this is that you would instently become the person who needs them more and the person would instantly have to give them back at which p[oint the process would begin again, after doing this for a ten or eleven or so weeks you would both starve to death because giving to the less fortunate is more important than eating and the world will be hell of a lot better of without you.
internet constitusion

If the american dream is that you can come from nothing to having everything, then the internet dream is that even if you're stupid you can still have a valid opinion, one is rags to riches the other is dumb to opinionated.
statement 1: everybody has the right to have four walls between them and the world and a roof between them and the sky.

statement 2: this is a right not a privilage no one can be forcibly charged for it.

statement3: if you choose not to pay for the previously mentioned four walls and a roof then;
1 you can't choose where it is located you go where it is available,
2 you can't prevent others from sharing it with as long as their is enough room, and
3 if any repairs need to be made then you have to take care of them you're self.statement
4: if you choose to rent then the responsibility for apkeep is on the sholders of the person that you rent from, however you cannot do as you like to the property without said persons permision.statement
5: if you choose to own you're own property then you are responsible for its upkeep, however this means that you should be able to do as you like to the property, and do not have to share it with any body else

statement6: you may think that these things are obvious but seeing as the ocupiers of a thirty year old squat in london have recently been evicted by the local council they are clearly not obvious enough.
I have noticed recently that an increasing number of knewspapers are printing pieces taken from blogs peoples blogs [yes i know where have i been] i can see the future now all articles will be writen by bloggers commenting on articles written by other bloggers about other bloggers.

hello all
I've recently found out that gary glitter may be put to death by the Vietnamese goverment on charges of child sex and frankly i don't care weather he's put to death or not it simply isn't my concern however what i do care about is this myth of statutary rape because it apsolutely demeans the idea of actual rape when someone of whatever age is actualy forced to have sex and if forcing someone to have sex is rape then what is it when you force them not to have sex!
