Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Game for the Enjoyment of All.

Game name:
Random. web

things you need:
1 internet connection or access to one
1 blindfold or other eye blinding such as a cloth
1 dice, or indeed a bowel with 6 bits of numbered paper numbered 1 to 6
1 dictionary
2 players

what you do:
First player roles the dice is then blindfolded and goes ito the dictionary the ammount of times suggested by the roll of the dice in order to pick that ammount of words then the other player has to take those words and turn them into the address of a website if the address turns out to exxist then he if it doesn't then he loses, its just that simple.


Anonymous said...

hehehehehe thats awesome UTO. I love it. So how has life been treating you? Havent talked in a while!

Anonymous said...

heh. looks who's back. back again :)

Phillip R Goodman said...

Hay hay, i'm back your back we're both back.