Thursday, October 18, 2007

Speaking with/of Authority.

The concept, or at least the word, authority is often, in fact lets cut the crap and the benefit of the doubt pleasantries, the word authority is ALWAYS misunderstood. It is taken to mean a person or group having control, usually legal control, over something or even everything. It means nothing of the sort, the concept of authority has nothing to do with control, governing or any sort of enforcement, it is to do with authorship, it is a creative act and has nothing to do with any sort of power game, it is to do with making the rules, and if you have to resort to governing or any sort of enforcement then you’ve already lost, you have failed as the authority, the receptacle of authorship, and you should be farmed off, and try your hand at different sort of authorship. Many politicians have learnt that and done so, before his death former government minister Robin Cook had written several best selling thrillers, many more however find a middle ground, stay in government and just become terrific liars. They may have failed as the authority but they almost make up for it by getting away with lies that are often quite outrageous, although this actually has nothing to do with their’, as I have already said, non existent authority, quite the opposite actually, people have so little respect for politicians that we just assume that they’re always lying, the upside of this is that when they do lie, which is much, but not all of the time, we fully expect it, and so we just accept it as something that is an unfortunate but necessary part of being a politician, and that we can’t do anything about it. Through such motions democracy is made null.

Alternatively, and there should always be an alternative.

If a celebrity is someone who is celebrated, and a celebrator is someone who celebrates, then it can be said that if an author is someone who writes, then an authority is someone who is written.

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