Monday, August 07, 2006

A number of things i have recently said on the subject of danny wallace.

I've not been up to much recently I have however started reading danny wallace's book 'join me' I'm becoming rather obssesed with him, funny thing happened to me recently I wanted to get that book from the library but it wasn't there so I ordered it, about a week later I received a phone call saying that they had my book in so the next day I went to collect it only to find that they did indeed have the book but it was reserved for someone else so they re-ordered it for me, a week later at exactly the same time recieved the same phone call telling me that my book was in and so the next day I went to collect it only to have the same thing happen, obviously I complained saying that this is the second time this has happened, and just by chance they happened to open the book and have a look at the rest of the reservation slip, it did indeed have someoneelses name on it however it allso had someone elses book on it the slip had some how managed to slip into the wrong book once lifted up it revealed another slip of paper wih my name on it and indeed my book on it, the other slip of paper was for a reservation of 'my first potty'.

I have allready said these things in two e-mails and I am likely to be saying it in a much edited form on the forum of his website, one of the things that has often or indeed just now struck me about danny wallace is that it may well be dangerous to be a freind of his as he may try and rope you into one of his strange skeems and even if this doesn't happen you're likely to end up in one of his books of course that probably appeals to a lot of people which puts Mr wallace in a dillema whereby he is haunted night and day by sycophantic idiots wanting to get in one of his books and thus in there strange little brains become rich, famous, and celebrated and at the other end of the spectrum avoided like the plague by perfectly nice people who he might well love to be freinds with but who have an aversion to any sort of limelight and are put of by the fact that they may end up with an entry in one of his books of course they could refuse him permission to put them in but seeing as they are the nice sort of people that danny wallace would love to have as freinds they probably wouldn't have the heart to do so and thus will probably just avoid him.

such is life.