Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dead dogs and idustrial tribunals.

Just heard the story about a postman who was fired after he took a week off work to grieve for his dead dog Brandy [don't know how he spelt it] who he had, had since he was 11 [16 years good age for a dog] he then took his former imployers to court and the case was thus found in his favour he got his job back and was paid damages [and hopefully expenses]. Alot of people have suggested that this was a silly case and no doubt further proof of societys desent into luvy dovy madness and perhaps you'd exxpect me to agree with them, i do after all often attack this idea of molly codeling as a weakening and therefore negative influence upon a person [allthough on second thoughts a may not have actually done that on this site but i assure you i do hold tha opinion] but i think that the fact of the matter is, is that if a person can prove that they were grieving no matter what they were grieving for the simple fact of the matter is that you can't force them back into work before they are ready as this wouls cause potentially massive emotional distress on there part and allso probably prevent them from continuing to do the job to anything approuching a high standard and thus it would be a bad idea.
The ironic thing about this case is that the steriotypical relationship between a dog and a postman is that of the dog chasing the postman out of someones fron garden and bitting them on the bum.


Bob said...

I have two dogs which are loved and treated as members of the family and because of our attachment to them when one dies it will be a very sad time indeed, even now I dread to think of the day. However I'm not sure I would take time off work but maybe I should because my decision would be based mostly on what others would think because to them it would just be a dog. Most people can relate to losing a human memeber of the family but to most people a dog is just a dog and nothing more.

Phillip R Goodman said...

is you you're ukbob uk as in the sound uk uk as in UK, united kingdom, just wanted to know.

ultimitely its entirely down to how long the person has had the dog and allso what age the person was when they first got it if they've had it since they were a kid then they have every right to take time off but if they got it when they were an adult no matter how long they've had it then it will be viewed differently.