Monday, September 18, 2006

Negative discussion killing liberalism running rife through blogger.

I've noticed something recently, that people [on blogger] seem for the most part to be unable or unwilling to make any percific comment, when speaking about someone elses writing, they just make a joke or something else vague. I don't think that anyone could think this to be a possitive thing as it allmost completely stops disscussion and as such is worse than those who write long comments of criticism and then never come back to see my counter points [yes this is me centred]. The fact of the matter is that discusion is never a bad thing regardless of what you're saying atleast its out in the open and can be countered and perhaps even ripped apart [or of course agreed with] if need be. So what's the reason for this , is it motivated by simple fear, fear that they may be made a pariah [in this case it would also be paranoia] or is it more to do with not wishing to offend or perhaps just being too lazy to think about what has been said the internet does after all does breed a certain sort of entertainment comes first thinking second culture but in any case there is one major cause for all of these things and I'm afraid that that cause is liberal society. I know that liberalism is often seen getting completely unjust beatings from conservative idiots and I disagree with that, liberalism has given us many wonderful things and its legacy should not be poo pooed but the fact of the matter is that liberalism does not breed people to be brave and forthright, it doesn't empower them to do the unpopular no matter how necessary it is, it makes you bite you're lip when you want to scream all the while not criticizing others for not biting theirs, it breeds hypocrisy and when you're a bigot possessing nothing more than the worst quality's of a Neanderthal this is a good thing, but liberalism has bred [for the most part] those quality's out of society so I ask you what is the point of it? Break free of the spell of false tolerance and speak you're mind.


Gyrobo said...

My mind says things no mortal can process. It takes a very special biped to correctly render the... the things... in the brainpan...

Phillip R Goodman said...

I am no mear mortal, how dare you suggest that i am,, and as for you alex smile all you like but one of these days bang zoom to the third moon of omicron percei 8.