Friday, January 19, 2007

Genre confusion 3: Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails are usually said to be an industrial band however their front man has been shown to have very ambivalent feelings towards this term and if you examine their releases ones sees that Industrial is not by any means the full story.
Their first album the now embarrassingly dated ‘Pretty Hate Machine’ was basically Synth Pop.
Their second major release ‘Broken’ is very much harsh, hate fuelled, Punk Rock influenced, Industrial.
Their second album The Downward Spiral is to a certain extent more mellow it brings back the Synth Pop influence and replaces some of the harshness with a greater experimentalism and replaced the Punk Rock with a certain level of Heavy Metal influence creating a Avant Guard Industrial tour de force.
Their third album ‘The Fragile’ is considerably more difficult to describe so I’ll just put in a few descriptive terms that I think fit the album and hope you agree; softly industrial, massive, epic, beautifully destitute and emotive.
Their forth album ‘With Teeth’ is easier by far to describe, it simply combines some of the best elements from all their previous albums and has got them labelled [in the music press at least] Alt Rock [Alternative Rock] rather than Industrial.
From what I can tell they are influenced by Ministry, Alec Empire, Skinny Puppy, Gary Numen, and David Bowie, so make up your own mind.
The influence of genre is mutable and difficult to describe accurately.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Are you sure??

the nine inch nails are probably too long and stick out of the back of the board.


Phillip R Goodman said...

it has to be a very thick board, or maybe not and perhaps thats the point.