Thursday, July 26, 2007

The diary entry that tried to kill me 1


Went out with Agent Mulder, had to meet her later than usual, as she had a last minute blood test scheduled for the terribly precise times of, between 12 and 2 o’clock. Originally intended to leave at my usual time of 11: 30 and spend the extra time hunting for rare singles, (primarily, nine inch nails) in the back streets off oxford street, and perhaps even check in at orbital comics, but alas, curse my laziness, I got up late. I would have still have had an extra 20 minutes or so to bum around before we met up, but I thought best not risk it, you know how the trains are. As it turned out we could have met up earlier, I arrived at Gordon Hill, at about 1:40, waited a few minutes and then Agent Mulder got of her bus, turned out they gave her the blood test at 11:30, lying disorganized cunts [spell checker doesn’t recognize cunts fancy that].

To be continued........

Some names have been changed in order to protect both the innocent and the guilty.

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