Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Correction 1

Concerning my post titled 'Nine Inch nails Year Zero'

I find that on the seventh, or is it the eighth listening, the beats of Nine Inch Nails’ ‘Year Zero’ are ever and ever less and less Alec Empire(esque) and the album as a whole is ever and ever more and more revelatory and even revolutionary it becomes to be ever and ever more and more of a sea change, and at the same time, somewhat paradoxically, the more and more I listen to it the more and more it seems to ingrain itself into the Nine Inch Nails tradition; of course really there’s nothing paradoxical about it, continued listening doesn’t simply allow you to plumb the depths of the thing itself, it also breeds familiarity with it, and with familiarity your rational mind puts it ever and ever more and more into your previously held concepts and knowledge.


When i first started writing said peice, [Nine Inch Nails Year Zero] i had no idea that i would end up saying anything negative about the album [Year Zero] at all, i thought i would just make a series of observations, but the longer i left it the more convolluted my thoughts of it became, and so when it came time to write it, i really and truly did not know where i would be coming from, or rather i did not know how i was going to structure the peice, and unstructured writing is very much like thinking aloud, one never quite knows where it is going to go.

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