Monday, May 14, 2007

Final clinching proof of the non existence of God.

More diplomatically called, ‘three arguments against the possible existence of God’

Argument 1

If God is God then he must be the biggest thing possible.

If God is God then he must be separate from all things.

If God is separate from all things then he must exist completely outside of any possible thing, God must exist outside of the universe, and if God exists outside of the universe then there would be a space bigger than God, i.e. The universe plus God.

Argument 2

Some people would say that far from God having to exist separately from all things the opposite must be the case, he must exist inside of all things, but if God exists in all things then he must be indistinguishable from them, and if that is the case then one can not logically talk about any entity called God, this however is the difference between the polytheistic eastern concept of god and the monotheistic western concept of God.

Argument 3

If God is God then he must be perfect.

If God is God then he must be sentient.

If God is sentient then he must be capable of free choice, but if God is perfect then all of his choices must be perfect choices, and if all of his choices must be perfect choices then he cannot make bad choices in which case he is not truly capable of free choice, in which case he is not sentient.

God can still have the qualities of all knowingness and all powerfulness, but these are of little use to him without the quality of existence.

“Oh dear” says God and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

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