Saturday, February 25, 2006

My conquest for world domination:
Chapter 1

We stand for….

1] The removal of all age restrictions.

2] The legalisation of all contraband plants and pharmaceuticals.

3] The dissolution and re-absorption of the military into the police force.

4] The repeal of all, and any blasphemy laws.

5] The strict taxation of all churches, temples, and other centres of worship.

6] freedom of expression.

7] Mandatory IQ tests for all public officials.

8] Regular referendums.

9] The separation of “church” and state.

10] The dissolution and re-absorption of the monarchy, into the tourist industry.


Gyrobo said...

Just once, in this day and age, I'd like to see a monarch try to declare a divine mandate and rule by fiat. That would be a fun thing to watch.

Phillip R Goodman said...

i think i might do that myself i'm sending a letter to downing street as we speak, of corse their not going to take it siriously and the prime minister won't even get to see it so that will mean i'll have to declare war and frankly the way things are going with this goverment i'd probably have a lot of public support.

Phillip R Goodman said...

allso some one should declare themselves king/queen of america.

Phillip R Goodman said...

what constitutional status do you have i mean obviously you're in the the secret "real" constitution.