Wednesday, February 15, 2006

2 new recipes

Get some grated carrot and some chopped spinach, put the carrot to one side and boil the spinach, once finished [shouldn't take long] drain it abit and put some garlick and butter sauce on it [is that actually a sauce i don't know] and allow to soak in for some time, then toast two peices of bread spread margerine on them, then put the spinach on one piece and the carrot on the other put a bit of mayonaise on both and place together.warning eating of sandwich may cause liquid to drip out.this ones very basic you just get some hard cheese and grill on a piece of bread with some cream cheese wait until in is very melted so the two cheeses have mixed together a bit and the eat it remembering to turn the grill off and take sandwich out of it before hand.

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