Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Definition of terrorism:

Terrorism is when someone attempts to pursue their aims, through actions, calculated to inflict terror upon someone who watches them or is involved with them. Therefore the best way to deal with such things is to ignore them, thus limiting there effectivness. However in order to do so one would have to enforce a media blackout and thus withhold information from the public causing massive ammounts of distrust and thus making the terrorist action several times more powerfull than they would have been had you done nothing in this area.


Also terrorism need not be practiced violently and it need not be practiced on a civillian population it is simply anything calculated to cause terror. By this definition a horror movie or story could be classed as terrorism therefore for the good of the nation, nay the world, we must lock up Stephen King and hold him without trial and without ready access to a legal reprasentative.


Also by this definition the entire justice system is an action of terrorism because it seeks to prevent crime by making potential criminals [thats everyone] scared of what may happen to them if they are caught sentences are even handed out purely for this reason and sometimes to the detrement of the persons rehabilitation.


Gyrobo said...

I smell witchcraft!

No, wait, that's just WarCraft III.

Phillip R Goodman said...

i have not played any of the warcraft games for some small number of years and i don't see why you brought them up, it has no bearing ball or otherwise.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I think I agree with all uv dat...

^00^ (kat with glasses)


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Whatz kindz uv cookie ya wantz???

I wikez salmon cakez

n Mommi wikes gingur & choklat cookiez.

Katie Kitty II.

Phillip R Goodman said...

the exorsist uses subliminal imaging and sound thats why its so scary if you actually dissect it though its really pants
rosemary's baby kicks arse.