Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So Sylvio Belesconi is no longer Italian Primeminister so he goes from being the countrys most powerful man to being the countrys most powerful man i mean the guy pratically owns all the media he owns the official state broardcaster [yes i know how can one man own the state broarcaster chouldn't it be owned by the state yes it should] and the two independant broardcasters aswell as a clutch of football teams and newspapers infact now that he doesn't have to deal with being primeminister [which in his case meant going around the world insulting people] he can consentrate on his media empire so he may be even more powerfull after all the media may not control what we think but it certainly controlls what we think about it guides our thoughts and thats not such a bad thing when lots of different people with lots of different oppinions control lots of different media referance points but its potentially dissasterous it could even make some one misspell somethinkghg thats how powerful it is.
of course thats the cynical view the other one is that seeing as Belesconi has something like 92 investigations into his buisiness dealings no longer being able to make the law is going to be quite disasterous for him.

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