Saturday, April 01, 2006

Some thing interesting happened to me recently, i met a friend that i hadn't seen for some small ammount of weeks and if truth be told had only known slightly longer we began to talk and then he said i heard that you'd had some money problems regardless of wether this is true or not and it is i was greatly shocked to hear him say this as i had not spoken to him about this i wondered who had told him and then realised that i hadn't told any one that he would have been speaking to i suddenly got the feeling that he was stalking me and felt very strange indeed and not sure what to do or say i think my jaw may even have flapped a bit however the feeling passed as quickly as it came when he said something along the lines of "i read it on you're blog".


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

yep... you told us all that.

Kinda weird feeling though.

I would help you with your money probs, but I'm in a bit worse shape at the moment.

However, if you know of any aircraft design engineering jobs or clerical jobs... let me know.

If we gets a jobbie, we could help a bit.

Take care and keep smilin.

Attitude iz everything.

oh and UTO = you, silly. my cat can't spell so she abreviated.

Phillip R Goodman said...

i'm not asking for help i'm complaining about an unfair system of overdrafts.

oh and what sort of biz?

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Over drafts?? please elaborate.


Phillip R Goodman said...

An overdraft is what you get if you take too much money out of you're bank or building society account, by too much i mean more than you have, what then happens is they charge you twenty pounds for every time you go over that ammount, the only problem with this is that no one tells you that you're going over that limit when you do it you only find out several days later when you get a letter informing you of this fact probably by which time you have gone several more time over said limit. must be i nice little earner for them.