Saturday, April 01, 2006

Israeli land grab?

When israel built its wall, it insisted that it was purely for defence, and yet it was often built on plestinian land often built in such a way as to split small towns in half and built over atleast one olive tree orchard owned by a palistinian family for over a hundred years, and still they said it is no land grab, and yet the new goverment is now saying that they are going to set israels final borders along the lines of the wall which brings me to my next point, the voting in of hamas is good for israel because it allows them to justify to the international community not having any negotiations with the palistinians on this issue above all others [the final borders of israel and therefor the final borders allso of palistine] if for instance tommorow hammas were to say that they officialy renounce terrorrism and recognise the state of israel then the israelis would have a real problem on their hands.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Palestine = Philistine and I seem to remember one of them was named Goliath.

Beyond that... I'll get back to you when I have more factual info on that there really is no such thing as a Palestinian. Now why anyone would cut into someone's orchard...

Well, I wish the stupid telephone, electric, TV cable Pole wasn't in the corner of my backyard...

Supposedly that bit of land isn't mine, but everyone has to traipse through my yard to get to it.

And half the time they don't even bother to knock and let me know they're back there. Sometimes they don't close the gate and I have old cats that don't need to wander out of the backyard.

One time, the cable guy tore our gate up... didn't leave a message and I had to figure out which company came by...

He left a tell-tale clue in my backyard... didn't even pick up the broken fuse he threw down.

I called the cable people and they paid to fix my gate.

Now I lock it and make them knock on my door!!

Now if they would just be polite...

I wouldn't have to do that.


Phillip R Goodman said...

history is written by the winners i bet Goliath wasn't that bad but you don't get hear his side of the story.
as for the palistinians regardless of where the name comes from they have been in their two hundred or so years of excistance been treated much the same as the jews they've been thrown out of every country they've been in and were only able to survive this long in the land now called israel because for a long time there was no proper goverment there and now that there is they want rid of them as well.
"history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
nice jewish boy Karl Marx