Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm just wondering if any of you know me from other websites and chatrooms these are the aliases that I have gone under at various points I hope no one remembers how much they hate me

Flip G

Taurus or Master Taurus or Taurus 3001


The Duke of DaDa


Gyrobo said...

I do not.

Have you heard of anyone named Tony Blair? That's the alias I use when I make major policy decisions for the United Kingdom.

Phillip R Goodman said...

hi rosita bonita chakita banana i'm calling you that from now on or atleast untill i get bored typing such a long name which is pretty much right now this instant.
and gyrobo i knew it was you only a crazy robot could make policy dicisions like that and wait a minute you said major policy dicissions what about when you're making minor ones?

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Iz the Duke of DaDa like the Duke of Earl?

There waz a song about the Duke of Earl, but I forgot how it goez.

Phillip R Goodman said...

there's no such thing as the Duke of Earl, as Earl is as well as being a name, also a title confered on someone, i think its a little lower than a Duke.