Monday, May 22, 2006

Mobile "phones" [or cell "phones" if you must]

It strikes me that as mobile phones or cell phones as the yanks like to call them [more cultural imperialism from a brit who would had thought it] get more and more complex with a greater number of non call related features such as music, camera, computer games, and even internet we will have to start refering to them as something else.

my suggestions
  1. Mobile cultural interaction pods [or M CIPs (pronounced em sips) as i'm sure they will come to be known as]
  2. Mobile culture stations [MCS (they will shortly be refered to as macs and be marketed as such, Apple computers will then attemp to sue the various manufacturers and in achordance with the curse of the beatles they will fail]
  3. Mobile entertainment network stations [never refered to as mens, sometimes refered to as mobens]
  4. Mobile culture network entertainment stations or pods [ allways written as Mob C/N/E stations or Mob C/N/E Pods]

If you have any suggestions of you're own I would welcome them, remeber the future of the mobile phone may depend on you!

If any of the cultural referances in this or any othe post have gone over you're head then please don't hesitate to ask and I will indevour to explain as best I can.


Anonymous said...

Just a comment from them yanks... whatever you want to call them or do call them, I think that someone should write a blog or book on etiquette. 'Cause some people yanks, brits, whoever should either have it surgically implanted where the sun doesn't shine and/or learn not to be rude.

Phillip R Goodman said...

what exsacly are you talking about. are you ssaying i'm being rude? are you talking about people using mobiles in resturants?

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.